Since talk is useless, whine is useless, cry is useless.
since i was a scripter for ultima online for 5 year, and balanced a lot of pvp for many servers.
here are EVIDENCE, MATHEMATICS, not questionable, not passible by interpretation or opinions.
when i have time i will post a test based on 100 rounds, since win or lose, or get on the winning side is lucky, and more high are the numbers more precise is the statistic.
but even considering a high round average lest say 3x, so 150g for average round of 4 min, is 600g x 15 = 9k gold, (and we are talking about 15x round at 3x so 150gx ) where even the upkeep for a 9k worth of equip is 6k, so only 3k gain, that means if you go at 15k worth of equip, even at sooooooo generous winning strike of 15x rounds at 3x, you lose money.
EQUIPMENT : total cost 9145
scimitar (simple one) cost : 3380
sarranid padded vest cost : 975
leather gloves cost : 202
rabati (a helm ) cost : 1219
norman shield cost : 3226
khergit leather boots cost : 143
ROUND 1 : 50G X 5 MIN = 250 G
ROUND 2 : 50G X 4 MIN = 200 G
ROUND 3 : 100G X 5MIN = 500 G
ROUND 4 : 50G X 4 MIN = 200 G
ROUND 5 : 50G X 4 MIN = 200 G
ROUND 6 : 50G X 6 MIN = 300 G
ROUND 7 : 100 G X 5 MIN = 500 G
ROUND 8 : 150G X 4 MIN = 600 G
ROUND 9 : 50 G X 6 MIN = 300 G
ROUND 10 : 100G X 4 MIN = 400 G
ROUND 11 : 50G X 4 MIN = 200 G
ROUND 12 : 50G X 5 MIN = 250 G
ROUND 13 : 100G X 4 MIN = 400 G
ROUND 14 150G X 3 MIN = 450G
ROUND 15 200G X 5 MIN = 1000 G
SCIMITAR repair cost 676 X4
NORMAN SHIELD repair cost 645 X3
SARRANID PADDED VEST repair cost 195 X3
LEATHER BOOTS repair cost 28 X2
LEATHER GLOVES repair cost 57 X4
RABATI (HELM ) repair cost 24 x 2
this is proofed and tested
cant even upkeep a 9k equip lol
with average lucky on team winning.
another things to balance that is not an opinion but is mathematic.
upkeep between 1h and 2h are not even.
2 hander top sword (rarely used, cost 15450, but most used are cookies and tear 11,6 and 12k, i now name are changed ... )
1 hander top sword (most used cost 8/9k , long espada eslavona. side sword ) point is 1h not cost 50% of 2h, but almost 85% of the cost of a 2h, if you add to this the shield, most common = huscarl is another 6k, upping the cost for the average 1h+shield to 15k+.
if you wanna use top vs top equip,
is 15450 flamberge vs 8922 (side sword) + 10422 (steel shield) 19344 THAT SEAMS EVEN, (that is not for sure since 90% of 2hnaders use 11k-12k sword so difference is 7K+, if you consider that more items means more % to pay upkeep. is again uneven )
the new formula, add more % to have a broken item even at winning side, that make shielders upkeep more than 2handers. withouth consider that changing from 3 to 4% is a 33% increase, upkeep from 20 to 5 is a -75% but with upkeep every round is a +100% so upkeep now is the same of previous at 66%
Im not gonna bother pointing out all the fail in ur post, ill just state the obvious instead;
Your a fucking idiot.