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Messages - Stymie

Pages: [1]
Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Bodkin vs Tatar
« on: January 12, 2013, 06:22:07 pm »

My last build, I had both on hand. You can drop your equipment at your feet and pick up the ammo you want for the target you are going for. I'd keep the Tatar equipped and if a plate crutcher came by, drop your equipment and switch to bodkins. Having the above mentioned ability to just pick your ammo type would be nicer, though.

I also went with a horn bow. It is the strongest 1 slot bow, so I could have a 1h weapon on hand in addition to two quivers. Also, I only went up to 5 PD because PD decreases wpf and accuracy. I preferred accuracy. You get less kills if you don't headshot, but as an archer, you should focus on weakening the enemy so that infantry can finish them off quicker.

Mercenary Recruitment / Re: NA Early morning battle help
« on: October 19, 2012, 04:57:37 am »
NP about the time, I thought I set my overnight settings, but I can't even find where that is now...

Mercenary Recruitment / NA Early morning battle help
« on: October 19, 2012, 02:17:13 am »!?page=battleroster&id=851

So, my first Strat battle is set for 4AM Central (11:00 server) and I will be unable to attend, so...

To the good people of Strategus (and the rest, too):
My merry band of roving Gypsies has stumbled into CHAOS lands and invoked their wrath by picking up some Exotic raw wool. Normally, I would have passed around their towns without interfering with precious S&D, except that I recently stayed at one of their inns and now itch all over. The wool was needed to stuff down my undergarments to quell the itching.

I have intercepted their pigeons (which really do taste like chicken) and have learned that they intend to ransack our camp so that their horses can have their way with our women. They will then force our children to hand sew little swooshes on their +3 fancy wrapping shoes in cramped factories. Now, normally, this is common for these lands and I would not complain, except that some of the women oddly seem giddy about this.

Sadly, I will be unable to join in this battle as the doctors' leeches are still removing the itch, but , based on performance, I will pay any mercs with strat gold and will even consider dropping troops into clan fiefs upon my regen.

I implore all within earshot that has heart to stand up to a force 7x your size to sign up and at least kill the attackers' horses. Once you go plated charger...!?page=battleroster&id=851

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