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Messages - Latino

Pages: [1]
cRPG Technical problems / Re: Char Name Change
« on: June 26, 2011, 02:09:15 pm »
I did make a new char with the desired name > played on EU 1 > made the account acces with the pass on the char page.
But when I go to my old char and want to replace the name with the one created above it says: not available.

well I see, I confirm it was kinda stupid from me just to apply without any info of the clan.
and as far as i can see you guys don't want someone who doesnt teamspeak etc.
well ok, I take my apply back. Thanks anyway and sorry for this bullshit I delivered.  :wink:

haha yeaa I have applied for the templars aswell, but only iinterests.
want to know from both clans a little more information and stuff.

thats because old roses have joined the guard or the templars.
and the 2 clans are allies so i thought there would be no offense?

Interessed in the clan: Knights Templar
Former clan: Order of the Rose does not exist anymore.

Nickname: Latino
Former Clan(s) (if existing): the order of the Rose
Level: 28
Characterbuild: polearm
EU/NA+Country?: Eu + Holland
Able to understand/speak English?: Yes
Willing to use Teamspeak 3 while playing, even if only to listen to orders?: No
Willing to join possible clanbattles/tournaments/Strategus?: Not interessted.
Steamnick: Extremegen

I will visit the site.

Interessed in the clan: Guard
Former clan: Order of the Rose does not exist anymore.

Nickname: Latino
Former Clan(s) (if existing): the order of the Rose
Level: 28
Characterbuild: polearm
Your Age: 
EU/NA+Country?: Eu + Holland
Able to understand/speak English?: Yes
Willing to use Teamspeak 3 while playing, even if only to listen to orders?: No
Willing to join possible clanbattles/tournaments/Strategus?: Not interessted.
Steamnick: Extremegen

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: login problem
« on: April 29, 2011, 04:08:24 pm »
No still doesn't work at all

Beginner's Help and Guides / login problem
« on: April 29, 2011, 02:54:55 pm »
Hey, iam not new to crpg but only new to this login system.
the problem is I dont get any further than the login screen.

I log in with my account and clicked on login, then just nothing happend only my chararter name dissapears and the password.
i tried it with a incorrect password to see what happend and if i do, the screen tells me its incorrect. So its not that i've forgotten my password.

After all i tried to create a new char, same problem hapens..
It seems the screen dont link me further

Faction Halls / Re: Kingdom of Regalis: The Order of the Rose
« on: January 04, 2011, 12:09:23 pm »

Pages: [1]