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Messages - pantara

Pages: [1]
last night i played for a few hours went from 81k to 90k in game but on website it said 83k then i went to bed and got up and not it says 80.9k and im really confused on why it says that cause i know i had 90 last night when i got off the game.  any reason why this is happening?

Closed Requests / Unban Request for Pantara
« on: March 17, 2011, 12:06:59 am »
I was naked and running around trying to get back some of my gold because I just came back from a long break and it had all this new stuff on it which was confusing to me.
i was trying to figure out what was happening and when i went to buy a "player pack" or whatever, i was banned.
i just want to play :|

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