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Messages - johncage

Pages: [1]
Game Balance Discussion / Warhammer should be the best weapon
« on: April 02, 2011, 12:52:03 am »
It has jabbing point for penetration, blunt and sharp swinging contacts. on either side of the hammer. why this is not the best weapon?

it should be good against all sorts of armor due to those qualities. and also, it needs +10 on hit point. I'm tired of hitting a lightly armored guy on the neck and watching him run off with a tiny health. he should be dead.


ok bye.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Adding firearms to cRPG
« on: April 02, 2011, 12:49:25 am »
Things need to be removed, not added. The Samuari armor and swords and the ninja stars for starters.

Learn to play  :oops:

Dear Welzzz, I effortlessly dominate everyone in this game. Just ask around who I am.

Please to halve the upkeep cost so people may enjoy the game based on skill and not prey on naked players like me, who win almost all of the time despite lack of armor. Thanks.

Throwing weapons and arrows/bolts easily kills primarily naked players like me. So either lower the plate repair cost so I can actually use it or remove the ranged weapons and nerf 90% of the weapons. Your choice.

If I can't wear good looking armor, I find it hard to concentrate and play well. Thanks.

General Discussion / plate armor upkeep is too high
« on: March 28, 2011, 01:08:28 pm »
this armor costs 2000+ repair cost along with other items. i went from 70k to 50k in just under a few rounds. please understand there is no point to playing this mod unless you look cool doing it. all the armors look awful except for the plate armors. and besides, plate armor isn't even that good.

change it to maybe 500 repair cost. thanks

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