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Messages - DaddyDeath

Pages: [1]
sorry but I have nothing for calvary

armour and 2h axes available..

 should be short battle either way ..and I do pay

ET Sunday at 16:00  ATS vs Disolusioned
 just tel me what you want to wear :P

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Char page broken?
« on: October 26, 2011, 01:51:55 am »
another victim

Strategus General Discussion / Re: back to the basics
« on: October 19, 2011, 09:42:58 pm »

thank you thank you

gradually getting a better understanding ..and your help was valubale to me
thanks again

Strategus General Discussion / back to the basics
« on: October 19, 2011, 06:43:58 am »
is there a definitive guide for stategus.....cannot find one ..I have read the dummies and the FAQ..but it does not tell me how to play
how do I move from level 10?
should i attack others at my level? and why or why not? and do I get their goods and equipment if I win ?
 do I have to have equipment for all my troops ?
 how many troops should I have to attatck a fief ? what other things ? what should u have do u know how strong a fief is? or is there a screen I am missing?
how do I get a capital city if I do win a fief?
 how do I get others to work for me ?

 starting out and I need guidance ...
thank you all
till we meet ;-) :shock:

cRPG Technical problems / Re: my med ladders aare not showing up
« on: July 12, 2011, 07:53:23 am »

cRPG Technical problems / my med ladders aare not showing up
« on: July 12, 2011, 06:29:03 am »
Is there something new with ladders?

I would like to keep my heirloomed Items on a character ....but when u retire u cannot change name ..and now only spelling and clan is there anyway without starting all over change name and keep items
 I had named him long time ago as a test on new patch... now  I would like to change it

I freezes..have to reboot

anyothers with this problem ..??

General Discussion / Re: Getting from lvl 30 to 31 takes too long.
« on: April 02, 2011, 11:26:24 pm »
looking at it from time invested

if u get 1000xp/ min and u have to level 4,800,000 (30-31)
1 hr =60,000
80hrs = 2 work weeks
if that is 10 days
( I realize this does notake into account if u are on winning team
but it does not count map relaods and waitng time either)

now i can level a character  in a day
as I hit gen 5 .. I might even be able to do 2 retires in a day
I figure if I take a level 7gen(say even  7days)  I can take
make level 31 before those 10 days are up...

U still think it is fair????

 :idea:I think I will test this out :D
 see how many gen I can get in a 10 day period and be a levl 31 retired

Scene Editing / Re: Would people enjoy playing this?
« on: March 24, 2011, 02:31:15 am »
Something tells me it won't be cav's map of choice 

General Discussion / Re: Now Hiring: Forum Moderators
« on: March 16, 2011, 10:07:07 pm »
I am old... retired way too much.. not that good lots of time to type,,,been there seen it all .. done it all.. nothing can phase me ... do not get excited .. excellent meditaion skills.... and do not put with shit ..LOL

Been playing this since beta under various names... and still enjoy mainly NA now caise of ping

When u need


" We judge them by their skill, dedication, and valor! "
How about 2 outta 3? :D

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