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Messages - Felagunda

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cRPG Technical problems / Re: Cannot connect to server
« on: September 13, 2011, 06:33:46 pm »
Nice this solved the problem for me too woot, ty

cRPG Technical problems / Re: connection to the server impossible
« on: September 13, 2011, 06:10:39 pm »
Ya it's been going on with me and at least one other ATS i know of it's not the first time this has happened.  They'll fix it in a 1-3 days like they usually do.

General Discussion / Re: Lost the feeling of CRPG with new patch
« on: July 11, 2011, 10:43:53 pm »
  :( - Well Everything is just feeling awful. Graphic sux...

Lies those arrows look just like rocks when they come at ya.  That was super upgrade to graphics and it was so necessary to spend the time doing that model / animation change.

General Discussion / Re: this patch is awful
« on: July 11, 2011, 09:16:56 pm »

It really makes players feel really insecure about what they have done in game. I know many people spent long time on market trading the right weapon for them. Then suddenly here comes the patch that will change everything...

Of course we all want to be the best possible classes after the new patch so many of us will probably want to change again. BUT then ...what am i gonna do with all the heirlooms i traded?

really this surprised you?  how many times has this happened?  AT least 6-8 that I can think.  That's the main problem.  Your looms get stolen or made useless along with your chars every so often.  And you get a respect of looms 2X what at the cost of losing 1/3 or more of them?  Never get a char respect?  Why do you think with the constant steam sells of warband has this population gotten less and less?

I rememder when a normal day in the use at 3pm not during the summer  time (when kiddies are out of school) saw 400-600 people on EU and NA servers.  I looked today there was about 250-300 people but we have 5X the servers than we used to?

Many people got sick of a dev team that can't understand a simple thing called cause and effect and those people have left the game forever after having been burned many times.

General Discussion / Re: this patch is awful
« on: July 11, 2011, 09:04:55 pm »
Nice a shity iron staff 400 gold to repair.  Glad I still get gold for killing people otherwise this might get expensive.

General Discussion / Re: Cavalry changes discussion (Version 0.230)
« on: July 11, 2011, 08:27:57 pm »
the attack angle decrease is actually an decrease in reach.  a lancer has not much more reach than a 2hander now.
-anything outside the attack angle is a threat,
-anything long enough inside the attack angle is almost certain death of the horse
-anything inside the lance is a threat.

imo lances are now,  probably like irl,  a major secondary weapon.  a first blast,  after which one should change to a hacking weapon,  1 or 2handed.

i demand a free respeck,  milk and cookies! : )

Well you are right about the angle change being detremental to your hourse.  You gotta ride the expensives horses now with some serious armor otherwise all that ranged that just started hitting even harder yet again, plus the return of thowers (which I must say i'm super glad to see it's viable to throw again) will mess you're shit up. 

Even if you're not getting into melee range on a guy you're trying to lance down while being  forced to be super close to b/c of shity angle limitations then you're hourse is getting fucked up by range (or maybe even you if ranged is aiming for the rider).

General Discussion / Re: Cavalry changes discussion (Version 0.230)
« on: July 11, 2011, 08:15:46 pm »
Why did increasing the spd of the heavy lance make it hit alot less harder.  I have 7 power strike and going full speed on a peasante in a T shirt on a 41 spd I can't 1 shot him.  That's new for my 3X heavy lance. 

Also I think the the angle of a couch being greater than the angle of a stab is retarded espically seeing how the couch does 3X damage and the stab oh the heavy lance was reduced to shit b/c it's spd rating was change.  Also why change the model I f'n hate this new heavy lance look.  It's stupid shit change it back.  Granted I can still own as cav but I gotta get on my Cataphract to do that and about an 1 hour of that yesterday lost me 40k gold and I was rocking 3x-5x most of that hour.

Was this spd rating dmg reduction change intended?  I mean it's what happened to arrows you slowed them no they hit 40-60% harder.  Also I know this about Cav and lances but why is my HA rectical no so big it's like I have negavite Horse Archer skill when I have 3 of it?  Maybe if you meant to do this you need to put HA down to a skill that you can lvl with 3 per agi?  B/c even at the slowest trot on my hourse my reticale is about 2X bigger than when I used to go full spd on the horse and shoot.

General Discussion / Re: upkeep too high
« on: July 11, 2011, 08:09:16 pm »
All I can say is my Cataphract horse had to be repaired 3X in a row how nice those rounds were only 3-4 minutes too.  That's over almost 11k just in 10-12 min of game play.  I'm not even including the other things that got broke.  I just say this because I heard things were supposed to cost more to repair but happen less didn't seem that way.  And wtf I thought a glavie was a fairly cheap weapon why is it 900 to repair?  If my shit is Masterwork or 3x loomed shouldn't it break less?

I actually lost 70k playing yesterday for just about 2 hours and I was only on a horse 1/2 the time playing the rest and even then only 1/2 the time on the mount was I the Cataphract.

General Discussion / Re: Donkey trolling?
« on: June 03, 2011, 06:56:59 am »
thank you dexx 
you seem to get what am rambling 

Lol people are just fucking retards this about the 5th post I read in game since the fail patch and I under stood what you were saying.  Oh did I mention I don't even play it anymore?  Fucking tards everywhere i swear.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Game dosnt load afther patch
« on: May 11, 2011, 04:49:47 am »
well it didn't work for me.  I mean I still forced to use the load on demand which is what always caused me to lag before.  What did seem to work though was turning my textures on the loader down to 10 with the Load on Demand checked.  Then when I get in the game I can turn the textures back up and it runs just as good as it did before the patch nice!

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Game dosnt load afther patch
« on: May 10, 2011, 12:05:21 am »
Well.... I was having this trouble as well I turned on load on demand.  Yea my game finally loads but omg I can't play it.  not on my max resoulution like i used to.  I had to turn the res way down that seemed to help the most not any of the settings.  Not sure why this patch doesn't all you to load textures before hand.  I have a GTX 470 with 1.5 gb not sure why that's not enough but w/e this blows for me.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Patch Poll
« on: May 04, 2011, 12:14:39 am »
My question is though how many hierlooms because  after this most recent patch IO have 5 hierlooms missing.  Was that normal?  were hierlooms supposed to be just gone or down graded?

Suggestions Corner / Re: Patch Poll
« on: May 02, 2011, 11:09:56 pm »
I voted yes because it was the best thing for me and i feel the community. 

My question is though how many hierlooms before patch or after b/c I have 5 gens worth of looms missing?

wow, there was alot of wrong in that statement.
210 is never easy to block unless you have a sizeable ping advantage. And the whole link to hyperbole was to say that the 300 was an exaggerated number, not a real one.

exaggerated didn't go far enough hence the word + link. for weapons 94 speed and less 210 wpf isn't that bad to block those.


Anyway, I had 210 wpf in a single weapon type, and I used plate. It was obviously a ridiculous situation.

lol before retirement patch?  And 210 in a single weapon type is a long way from 300 in every weapon type.  210 is still easy to block with most weapons.

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