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Messages - Revelation

Pages: [1] 2
Suggestions Corner / Re: 1h sword in each hand (dual-wield)
« on: July 22, 2011, 01:13:02 pm »
lul, sure, if it can't be used to block with.

Are you kidding me? Can you see the size of that cross-guard?

Suggestions Corner / Re: 1h sword in each hand (dual-wield)
« on: July 22, 2011, 02:29:27 am »
I'm surprised nobody has posted a picture of one of these yet:
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Now that would be great, stop a sword slash or use the point to shank someone in an armor joint.

Suggestions Corner / Re: New Player... Things I see..
« on: July 18, 2011, 02:41:12 am »
I am the light!

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If you use the same steam account in both locations, just make a new character on the new computer with the same name, the game will recognize the cd key and treat it as your existing character.

We have the bloody french.
Anyway I play on EU and NA servers so whatever, bec de corbin does seem more frequent there...

Now that I think about it, naked grinders are more frequent too.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Make all long weapons non-sheathable
« on: May 31, 2011, 05:12:11 pm »
All, but the shortest polearms should be 0 slot unsheathable. The sheathable ones should be 1 slot.

0 slot because you are not storing them on your body, but holding them. I can sheath all my 4/4 equipment and fight with fist, so this argument is at least consistent.

You could make the argument that other weapons should be 0 slot if you  never sheath them, in which case I wouldn't mind 1 slot for unsheathable.

Terrible idea, any class apart from polearms in the game will laugh their asses off.

Anyone can just bring a 0 slot long spear along for the ride for the first bit to get them past enemy cav, then drop it and have 4 full slots of cqc gear.
All this would accomplish is cav and polearmers being pissed off and everyone else laughing their socks off.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Arrows v shields
« on: May 27, 2011, 02:23:57 pm »
Afaik all arrows add some degree of piercing damage to bows, but only the longbow delivers pure pierce damage rather than cut + pierce.

That said, shooting shields with arrows until they break is not worth it.

If facing a shielder as an archer your best bet is to just pick a different target, and retreat if the shielder engages.
Maybe try and kite him between you and another archer.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Power Strike or Ironflesh?
« on: May 26, 2011, 05:17:32 pm »
i already have 3 points @ athletics.

I hope for you that you have points in riding and plan to use a horse most of the time or people will laugh while they run circles around your 3 athletics.

General Discussion / Re: Mods compatible with cRPG
« on: May 25, 2011, 11:19:17 pm »
Question: how do u install the crosshair?

EDIT: Figured it out

This guy is already a thorn in my shieldless side, and now you give him a better crosshair? great, thanks :P

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Armors Bonuses and weaknesses?
« on: May 24, 2011, 02:51:40 pm »
heavy cutting weapons like axes, heavy swords (2h'ers, kophesh, falcion...where more weight is at the end of the weapon) should do HACK damage, which is 50% slash, 50% bludgeon.  The mere weight of the weapon coming down does bludgeon damage.

Northern cultures like nords and germans like heavy weapons, whereas eastern cultures started curving their swords to make them lighter and slash better.

Watch the movie '13th Warrior' :)

That's actually what I meant, just couldn't think of the word to describe it, but hack damage fits perfectly yes.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Armors Bonuses and weaknesses?
« on: May 24, 2011, 02:09:24 am »
Sounds like it would be a good idea, but then again not all weapons do the kind of damage they should in that situation.

For example, chainmail being good against cutting damage is all fine and dandy, but as axes do cutting damage chainmail would recieve a buff vs axes, whereas traditionally I believe axes actually performed very well vs chainmail.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Backup spear for an axeman.
« on: May 16, 2011, 02:42:23 am »
Hi guys, I have a polearm-axe character and Ive been thinking of buying him a spear as stabby anti cav weapon.
Ive noticed that the weapon lengths on polearms are a bit gimped and that even though a weapon says it has a long reach, the fact that the character holds it halfway negates most of it.
Can anyone recommend a good spear for this?
Definately needs to be sheathable though, unless you feel its so good at its job Ill never want to use my axe again :p


General Discussion / Re: What is THAT?
« on: May 11, 2011, 11:35:42 pm »

Please enlighten us, oh great deity of donkey.

General Discussion / Re: Hi Im new!
« on: May 10, 2011, 01:56:21 pm »
it hasnt been fun, i purchased rocks and have been playing as a peasant/hermit hybrid, its all i can afford.

Its fairly easy to get to level 15 if you have a few good rounds, at level 15 you can "retire" your character and start all over again, if you want to try out different builds for example.

If you like the playstyle you're on you should start having fun around level 17-18 as you'll be able to run with the rest of the pack rather than run after them and try and aim rocks over their heads.

Reading this guide may help you as well:,11.0.html

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Character problem..
« on: March 05, 2011, 11:04:58 pm »
Your characters are tied to your steam account cd/key for M&B.
If it wasn't I could just make a character with someone else's name and log in on their character.

Not sure if there is a way to transfer characters, probably not.

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