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Messages - Ithilien

Pages: [1]
Closed Requests / Re: (Unban Request) Templar_Ithilien
« on: July 25, 2011, 09:05:10 am »
LOL. ill just get another CD key if i wana play. No skin off my nose. i only play once in a blue moon anyway because I HAVE A LIFE UNLIKE U GUYS HEREE 24/7 HAHAHAHA u may own online but you fail at life... you know this to be true. haha.

p.s. you are as guilty as fuck anyway. blatantly u guys exploit in-game. you know it.


Closed Requests / Re: Unban Request
« on: July 24, 2011, 07:15:46 pm »
Blatantly the owner and his clan/mates have been exploiting it because seriously any professional mod or game WOULD NEVER OF RELEASED IT IN THE FIRST PLACE. And what pisses me off is the guy that came in and reported us, could clearly fucking see that Templars and a few others on the server were actualy trying to play the game properly. but cowboys will be cowboys and ban everyone even if they are innocent because they cant be bothered to actualy watch people and ban the main culprits... ill be expecting a full appology when this is finally sorted out. I only play once a week on my day off and now i cant even do that.

Closed Requests / (Unban Request) Templar_Ithilien
« on: July 24, 2011, 02:23:48 pm »
Have not joined this server intentionaly to "hack xp" me and my clan mates were simply there tryonig to play the game, there was some confusion as to wat was going on alot of people were TKing, I did not think we were getting any xp because the teams were uneven and not many people on plus the characyer screen (c) displayed NO exp or money gain so in my eyes we were they messing around.
I do not care about going back onto that server in the future as it was pointless anyway lol.


Game Admin aBooze / Re: Nuffen
« on: February 25, 2011, 05:47:17 pm »

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