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Messages - TortoiseAndTheHare

Pages: [1] 2
Sell/Trade / Re: Selling loom point
« on: February 08, 2012, 11:14:47 pm »
Ahh, yeah, 6 athletics would have been cool since I'm usually pretty loaded down.

My typical load out is

Novogrod helmet
Heraldic mail
leather gloves
Sarranid Mail Boots or Plated Boots

and then

Flanged mace
Kite Shield

So with the two jarid stacks and the shield, it's pretty good to have as much athletics as possible. All in all though, I liked the build. I didn't go crazy on the powerthrow so I could have more athletics, but with the amount of powerstrike I had, it was a pretty fun build. I could start rounds throwing and going for head shot jackpots or break shields or kill horses and then once I was out of retrievable jarids or people closed on me, I could just whip out my mace and knock people down and kill them.

I actually got a suprising amount of kills with my mace, although that has to do with the huge thrower nerf that made all my body and leg shots worthless. Before that patch I would frequently jackpot shit tier cav with accidental leg hits when I was trying to hit their horses and I could usually kill infantry with 1 or 2 good body hits. Now I have to get head shots to kill anything unless they are covered in blood already, even most naked guys can take a jarid in the back now. The other piss off is it used to be hilarious to 2 shot cav by head shotting their horse and then throwing a jarid right up their butt as they got up. Now that pretty much never does enough damage to kill anyone.

Anyway, Blueberry Muffin is offering 580k, so the loom goes to him unless someone offers up more cash real fast.

Sell/Trade / Re: Selling loom point
« on: February 08, 2012, 08:54:17 pm »
Huh? I dunno, 'cause I'm too casual I guess? What did I not do?

Sell/Trade / Selling loom point
« on: February 08, 2012, 08:42:36 pm »
Since looms don't do dick all anymore, I'm selling the one I have coming up on James_the_Catapult to the highest bidder.

Bidding starts at:

My stats are as such:
Level        30
Strength    18    
Agility    17    

Iron Flesh    5    
Power Strike    6    
Shield    4    
Athletics    5    
Riding    0    
Horse Archery    0    
Power Draw    0    
Power Throw    6    

Edit: Oh btw, I'm only 16,283 away from level up to 31

General Discussion / Nordic pot helmet is now broken.
« on: January 19, 2012, 08:58:51 pm »
The new patch make it so your face doesn't render under the helmet. NOW I'M A SPOOKY GHOST.

Announcements / Re: Version 0.252
« on: December 02, 2011, 06:05:12 am »
It was stated a long, long time ago that one of the reasons for no changelist/patchnotes is that if you don't know exactly what was changed then you can't whine about it.
It cuts down on the forums being flooded with whining and the devs being challenged on every single little change they make.

I can't believe this is a real.

Wow... what dumb, ball lacking devs...



Announcements / Re: Version 0.252
« on: December 01, 2011, 07:53:14 pm »
Why is there no big thread that contains a comprehensive change list for this mod? It's VERY ANNOYING as a player of the game to never really know what's been changed or why EVER.

How hard is it to just have one locked thread where everytime you do an update, people can go to that thread and see what got changed???

General Discussion / Thanks for making the game no fun to me anymore
« on: October 05, 2011, 07:05:36 am »
The combination of my courser dying to two hits from literally anything anywhere on its body now and the lengthened get up time from a fallen horse being increased to the point that any idiot gets TWO FREE HITS ON ME before I can do anything has ruined the game for me on my light cav character.

Thankyou for making heavily armoured horses the only viable horses.

Heavy infantry wins again, an other character style is now nerfed to the point of being pointless to play, yay. Yay conformity.

General Discussion / The download link on the main site sucks
« on: September 22, 2011, 10:43:12 pm »
Uhhh, your crappy download service for the new patch really blows.

It's hard to find the actual download button and then once I finally did figure out how to download the damn thing, the download stopped downloading half way through.

So, yeah... guess I won't be playing c-rpg anymore.

General Discussion / Re: Get off the roof, Archers!
« on: September 13, 2011, 08:21:13 am »
+1 for satire (on the op.)

And where the fuck are our pavises, already!?

SERIOUSLY! WHERE ARE THEY? I made a crossbow character for my last gen but I abandoned it and went back to lancer cav and then made a thrower with a pavise for fun. The reason? WHERE THE FUCK IS MY PAVISE. Crossbow men need pavises damn it ;_;.

General Discussion / Re: Get off the roof, Archers!
« on: September 13, 2011, 06:29:54 am »
LOL at someone who can't tell the difference between:

-whining at someone to stop playing the game they way they do because they don't like it
-someone changing their play style to beat someone else's.

General Discussion / Re: Get off the roof, Archers!
« on: September 13, 2011, 04:31:13 am »
The thing about breaking ladders is you have to swing a weapon to do it and the thing about swinging weapons is that it makes it so you can't possibly be shielding while you do it so as long as your team has archers or throwers, you can just harrass or kill the ladder breakers while melee guys charge up the ladder. It's not rocket science.

The guys on the roof still have the advantage of better cover and range on their weapons in this situation but the thing is, you can't win a round from a roof unless you just kill everyone on the enemy team. Eventually it's going to go to master of the field and the flags are never placed on a roof with no map ladders to it.

I'm all for kicking people who can't do anything from the roof they are on who are just standing there like statues wasting everyone's time, but as long as they are trying to kill people I find yelling at them to be childish and dumb. The same goes for any other yelling at people who are trying to draw the other team into a favourable position for them in any other way. It's not anyone's job to make a round end sooner. It is just a courtesy to not wander around, stand on rooves, stand at the bottom of ponds and that sort of pointless garbage when there are 5 people left in the round and 80 other people sitting on their hands having no fun.

General Discussion / Re: Get off the roof, Archers!
« on: September 13, 2011, 03:09:40 am »
I appreciate the rage, but it is pointless as the community will never change. I always smirk whenever I see someone rage about archers as it means I am doing my job right (My main is an archer).

I don't care for this sort of defeatist attitude when it comes to anything and it's a perception I seem to be encounting with increasing regularity as of late, this cynical idea that "Whelp, that's HUMAN NATURE, no point in trying to change it or complain about it."

I agree, people are always going to be little bitches who blame anything that affects them badly on some outside source other than themselves and that psychology has pretty much proven this to be the NATURAL behaviour of human kind but you know what? What comes natural is not always correct or the best way to do things, or some thing that we have to forever surrender to. If everyone ever born thought that way, we would have no science, art, philosophy, peace, anything, because our natural tendancy is to be lazy, always favour immediate satisfaction over the bigger picture, and fear and distrust anything we aren't familiar with.

A mature, rational adult, living in 2011 should not strive to simply bow to the will of human nature, that is a crutch of the weak, the stupid and the slothenly. It is not being a realist, it is being a wimp who never wants to see anything improved or anything grow because it's TOO HARD.

Now, that said, a realist has to acknowledge that this is going to be the natural behaviour of the community and expect people to act this way sometimes and not get to angry about it. But it should not be condoned, promoted, applauded or encouraged by Admins. It should at least be ignored, and at best, discouraged.

Also, I'm not very new to C-RPG, I just haven't played regularly for a little while until now. My characters are Literally_James and Chick_James although I have changed them to Archers_James and Archers_Chick_James as none of the old Literally clan seem to be around anymore and I'm trying to start a new clan called "Archers". Because you know what I always say, "Archers".

TortoiseAndTheHare was the nick name of the last generation of my James Character who had 10 shields and 10 athletics and fought with nothing but an heirloomed Huscarl shield and a Khyber Knife.

General Discussion / Re: Get off the roof, Archers!
« on: September 13, 2011, 02:50:49 am »
The point of the post was that while I have NEVER played an archer and almost never hide on a roof and shoot at people with anything, anytime I see some one say

"Get off the roof!"

to an archer who is actively firing and not just wasting time standing there idle, I want to punch them in the face for saying it. I even see ADMINS doing this, telling them to get down and like, trying to kick vote them and shit. What is your problem? He's an archer and he blew a ton of slots to have a ladder to beable to safely fire on people who don't have ranged weapons. It's a smart move, either take ladders out of the game or get off his balls already.

Seriously, it's like telling people to stop using shields or stop blocking and dodging attacks so much, cause they are prolonging the round. It's pointless, childish behaviour. If you don't like roof archers, stop dying so early in rounds that it annoys you (since most people don't care as long as they are still alive I find) and figure out a way to kill them or just wait them out. They are going to stop doing it if they just keep getting killed or losing their multiplier to master of the field loses.

General Discussion / Get off the roof, Archers!
« on: September 13, 2011, 01:57:27 am »
Archers, get off the roof already.

Why are you up there? It's not fair, no one can reach you to hit you unless they have a ranged weapon or a ladder. Why should everyone have to carry a ranged weapon or a ladder? Those take up a lot of slots and how dare you force the other team to have to bring some ladders just because you did. You're stalling the round and making all of us get less EXP and gold per hour, you aren't just hurting us, you're hurting yourselves too.

Archers, get off the roof already.

The only way you should be playing the game is to equip a two hander or pole arm and a lot of armor or MAYBE a one hander and shield combo and then run into melee in a honourable and straight forward manner. I'm getting tired of all this tactics shit, and THINKING and using all this dumb shit the game provides you with like ranged weapons and ladders.

Archers, get off the roof already.

And further more, once you have your two hander equiped and are playing like A MAN, don't try and be all clever and hide and shit, and try and ambush people and try to manuever around, trying to isolate people and overwhelm them and all this shit. Who do you think you are, fucking JOHN RAMBO or something? Are you and your clan mates like the guys in Band of Brothers or something trying to out fight the SS or some shit? KNOCK THAT SHIT OFF, YOU'RE STALLING THE ROUND AND ROBBING ME OF MY EXP AND GOLD.

Archers, get off the roof already.

Also, when you have your Bec or your Flamberge or whatever, don't block attacks like a my old friend. Can people stop equiping shields and trying to weapon block all the time? It's not fair. People can't hit you if you're blocking and dodging around and all this shit when you fight, it makes their attacks do NO DAMAGE, ZERO. Knock that shit off you're stalling the round and making all of us get less EXP and gold per hour, you aren't just hurting us, you're hurting yourselves too.

Archers, get off the roof already.

This game is about rounds ending promptly and me getting my EXP and my GOLD, it is not some bullshit medieval combat simulator for you and your my old friend reinactor buddies to have pretend battles with and try and out wit and out play eachother while you fuck over all the good honest players like myself who don't want to have to plan against your "strategy" and "cunning". We came here to equip whatever the fuck gear WE PLANNED ON (a two hander, duh) and have it kill people we swing it at. OH AND DON'T GET ME STARTED ON HOW GAY CAV ARE.

Archers, well, I think you get my point by now. STOP BEING my old friendS.

Ugh, writing this post just screwed me out of so much EXP and GOLD.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: The respec button doesn't do anything
« on: September 06, 2011, 04:21:37 am »
This is still a problem. Hello?

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