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Messages - Sir Marcus

Pages: [1]
cRPG Technical problems / WTF respec?
« on: July 17, 2011, 12:19:10 am »
Okey, i decided to respec my lvl 25 char to power level him to 31..
I went to the respec page and accepted that i would lose 50% of my exp..
It didnt say anything about my character being set back in level! I thought it ment 50% of the exp colected at this level!

Is this a bug, or is it just some retarded stuff newly added?
If this is meant to set you back some levels, please add a "WARNING! You may be sat back in level!"

Anyways.. Is it possible to have the levels back please?

Closed Requests / UNBAN Sir Marcus
« on: February 21, 2011, 05:07:00 pm »
Well, i was playing on the EU-cRPG 6 server, not so many players there. While playing i think i saw like 11 vote kick/ban wich were ragepolls so i didnt care to ask why and just hit 2(Decline) on them all.
Suddenlty i were in the lobby i think with a message saying i was kicked from the server. I tryed to log back on to ask why i got kicked out but got another message that i were banned.

I do not know what i did wrong or who started the poll, and i regulary checked the chat to see if people answered. There were noone shouting at me as i could see.
I was asking questions like what weapon they were useing just to be a bit chatty, but i dont think thats a reason.

So, why was i banned? And is there a possibiliy to ge unbanned?

Thanks for taking your time reading this.

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