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Messages - Cyranule

Pages: [1] 2 3
General Discussion / Re: Free loomz
« on: November 24, 2013, 02:38:30 am »
You should just start a duel tournament and give away the looms as prizes.

Give something to the community and bring everyone together a bit. 

General Discussion / Re: Donations for quality armours.
« on: November 13, 2013, 10:55:50 pm »
Have you ever seen Cyranule's forum profile picture?

I know you meant it as a joke but I think people would really appreciate Zeds uniform. 

The Chamber of Tears / Re: Increase the speed and damage on polearms.
« on: November 01, 2013, 08:50:26 pm »
I always thought the best NA archer thing was a joke, and that Cy would get good KD's/valour as an archer from using his melee weapon lol

You're 100% right. 
The "Best NA archer" thing started as joke as everyone can tell I couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. 

The Chamber of Tears / Re: Increase the speed and damage on polearms.
« on: November 01, 2013, 02:05:04 am »
I still can't see how anyone thinks 2handers are balanced, at any skill level. Go try dueling cryanule or ser butts. ser butts is the infamous left-to-right-swinging-uber-feint-hits-before-animation-or-chance-to-block nerd, while cyranule is something like his protege... pulls off the maneuver but only occasionally. The fact that this literally game breaking mechanic exists ONLY for 2handers shows that they are OP/exploitable.

It's not an exploit and very easy to counter.  Just the most basic footwork will stop it while choosing the correct swing will score you a free hit.  Next time someone tries it watch what swings you're doing, the short swing or the long swing (swinging across your chest). 
Polearmers can do a left swing while moving right follow it into a stab on the right side. 
A one hander can approach you on the right side and drop two lefts on you if you don't follow the footwork and choose the correct swing. 

The problem I have with you Jona is your mindset when it comes to this game.  If you die? fuck them that was bullshit!!
Try just once asking "What did I do wrong? What was my mistake? How can I counter this?"   

NA (Official) / Re: Ban Cyranule_BRD
« on: October 19, 2013, 11:38:59 pm »
Woah Thelix, let's calm down buddy.  I'll be the first to say those people are not my friends, I don't even like them as people. 

The truth is Jason has been very angry with all FCC members since we've kicked him out.  Although I had nothing to do with it apparently even I'm someone he can lash out at.  I've been very worried about him since I found out he tracked down one of our member in real life and stalked him to his work.  Sitting in a corner for hours while staring at his prey, unblinking.  I do agree with you Thelix we should not be picking on Jason or trolling him for these very serious and real issues.  We also shouldn't give into his every whim when he walks into teammates swings repeatedly trying to get his target banned. 

As a community we can come together and help Jason.  If it's medication or even a hospital he needs we should see that he gets it. 
I'll be starting a fundraiser for Jason to see he gets the help he needs.  Contact me on Steam if you'd like to donate or just pass along a helpful word.

Thank you and God bless!

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [NA] Muki
« on: August 20, 2013, 10:08:56 pm »
Ban both and later check logs to see who actually did it. 

For the record there is someone running around as CyranuIe_BRD. 
He doesn't seem to teamkill much but he's awfully bad whoever it is.   

General Discussion / Re: Block macros
« on: July 27, 2013, 09:24:20 pm »
So what exactly is Cyranule doing to make those ultra spammy swings that seem to completely break animations?

I predict what swing you'll use before you do it.  When most people block a left they respond  with a right.  Move away from the swing while moving into your own.  Simple as that.
All this does is make you swing across your chest while I'm only swinging from the shoulder to you. 

Any decent fighter knows how to counter it and will tell you I don't even attempt it on them. 

Game Balance Discussion / Re: 2h thrust rage thread
« on: July 19, 2013, 11:02:47 pm »
In duel you can abuse this by intentionally walking into a stab that is past the point of doing damage, but has not yet retracted. Not really a useful trick for battle, though.

Hold on now let's watch it with that "abuse" business.  Setting your opponent up for a failed stab and taking advantage of it is always the stabbers fault. 
Like most things people complain about in melee. 

It wouldn't be the end all be all solution for battle servers but it would be a nice step in the right direction.
Most rounds are over or near over by two minutes so having the flags spawn would change nothing.
30 seconds in would change a hell of a lot though. 

Game Balance Discussion / Re: ranged
« on: July 09, 2013, 01:32:54 am »
Just to reiterate what's been stated in the thread - the only way to counter ranged is hiding or becoming ranged yourself. 

Yeah that sounds about right.

Faction Halls / Re: Bridgeburners: The Third
« on: July 06, 2013, 10:49:04 pm »

Show of hands; who still has the tags?

No other clan can claim a better theme song. 

General Discussion / Re: the scoring system
« on: July 02, 2013, 06:48:34 am »
You misunderstand me... Obviously a swing (or a stab) does more damage than a single arrow, but I'm talking about the damage inflicted on the enemy. Melee and Archers (if I'm correct) receive the same amount of score points from damage inflicted. Example: Melee does a swing which inflicts 20 damage, and archer shoots 3 arrows that inflicts 20 damage, both receive the same score, it would be logical/fair.

It's what cyranule suggests, but I think it's already in place, but still waiting on someone to call out my error.

Melee get more points for doing the same damage.  Scoring a headshot gives 1-2 points?
Just change the point system to only equal the amount of damage done without proximity points. 
At the very least this will show what classes are dealing the most damage.  Then we can have a real discussion on risk vs reward for playstyles. 

General Discussion / Re: the scoring system
« on: July 02, 2013, 12:10:50 am »
How about a straight 1:1 of damage - points

An archer headshots some mindless melee with 20 health out of 50? Archer gets 20 points. 
Same would go for melee and cavalry of course. 
Valour system would need to be tweaked something along the lines of top three get it.

It would open a lot of eyes.  Mostly those who feel ranged is underpowered and constantly over nerfed.

General Discussion / Re: NA servers - Game Admins Wanted
« on: June 26, 2013, 12:22:11 am »
There are two admins who don't abuse their powers on the north american servers.  Two. 
Adding more admins won't change anything and most likely just make it worse.

I vote for cleaning house.  All new admins all new abuse!

General Discussion / Re: Best Cyranule quote
« on: December 13, 2012, 02:46:53 am »
Me: "Cy y u tk me I just try to help"

Cy: "FUK YOU DICKLESS bundle of sticks"

So you voted dickless?

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