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Messages - Battle_Field

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Lottery Lördag III
« on: June 05, 2011, 05:39:47 am »
What? Lottery? What is this? I being punked?

Free heirloom? Holy hell! Nice!

chadz is the man!

Copy/Paste and fill out.
Forum Name:
In-game Name: Battle_Field
Do you have TS3? Yep
How long are you usually on a day/week? As long as I want to, In between jobs. Can be anywhere from 10 hours to 2 hours depending on various things. Yes, I know thats vague... but... meh
What other clans have you been in (if none leave blank)? None in C-RPG
References (clan members who recruited you. If none leave blank):
What is your Steam name? Firestorm76_76
What is your nationality? USA
What is your age? 25
Have you signed up on our forum ( Not yet
Have you read all of the rules and understood them, as well as agree to follow them? Yep
What is your build type (Archer, Horse Archer, Crossbowman, Thrower, 1h shield, 2h, polearm. These can be mixed and please state all of what you are proficient in.)? 1h Shield at the moment
What was it that interested you in joining this clan? Structure and Organization

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