« on: April 14, 2016, 02:55:35 am »
I can't really blame anyone for not wanting to attack castles and cities with the system bieng bugged such as it is. Especially with the looming possibility of it being fixed. Defenders lose nothing and attackers everything. Like mcdeath said you only need one set of good gear, and then u just continually re use it. Its a really shitty situation, nobody will want to be the faction that wasted all their gear attacking a castle, just to have the admins fix the bug right after. It would be better really if they just said we are not fixing it, at least then we would know things will be even moving forward. As it is I don't expect to see many assaults on a castle or city from any faction. Now BRD has nothing left except castles and cities and they think they can provoke us into attacking by calling us cowards, when of course they know they are full of shit. So they say we should not declare war then, but we did take the fiefs you chose not to defend and hopefully we will get some field battles.