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Messages - TheClash

Pages: [1]
cRPG Technical problems / Retractable Longbow lol
« on: January 26, 2011, 02:47:35 pm »
hi there,

is someone else was seen ? when longbow is on your back it is 1,5 times our size ! but when on hand only 0,75 !

the longbow become shorter in our hand :(

i'am sad ! (.50 Barret addict :D )

Suggestions Corner / Re: Carry team mate on your HORSE
« on: January 25, 2011, 11:55:39 pm »
it can be funy tough ;)

slow penalty to horse, passenger cant use weapon / shield , rider get a swing slow penalty

could be fun yeah ;)

Suggestions Corner / ninja white snow map :D
« on: January 19, 2011, 11:32:55 pm »
hello !

as whe already have  a white lamelar,
can whe have white hood with mask like the black stuff please (and white kergit boots too) ?

would be apreciate to have white  ninja style ;) for snowy map & etc


General Discussion / construction site
« on: January 19, 2011, 09:01:04 pm »
construction site are unbreakable but people still using it to block in siege....

what the hell !!!!
i never never see someone build something with it as it need to much construction material !

plz change that !

General Discussion / Re: Archer build
« on: January 16, 2011, 01:49:43 pm »
after some test,

atm i'am
lvl 19
12  str
15 agi
5 atlhetics
5 weaponmaster
134 archery wpf

i begin to see a little diference when i test using a nomad(3pd) and a kergit(4pd) !

i'am a little bit more accurate with the nomad who need only 3 pd

but i have the same wpf...

so its good to have more pd than the requirement of your bow

...dont know if at our lvl max, better to have 8pd but not much wpf ...

thx Mtemtko for your screenshot, 172 wpf and u got only this accuracy !  :?

i want a sniper :D

General Discussion / Re: Archer build
« on: January 16, 2011, 10:34:08 am »
hi guy,
after reading a lot about archery post, i think i found my answer  for my question before,
but actualy i change my mind about being a half archer melee

i'am looking for a pure archer build
Keshian please can u tell me wich template will have the most accuracy ?
i already know wich one will do the most damage, but if he is also have the best accuracy :shock:
(i use )

Level 30
Strength: 18
Agility: 21
Converted: 8
Ironflesh: 3
Athletics: 7
Power Draw: 6
Weapon Master: 7
Archery: 164

Level 30
Strength: 21
Agility: 18
Converted: 8
Ironflesh: 4
Athletics: 6
Power Draw: 7
Weapon Master: 6
Archery: 156

both using a long/war bow !

thx by advance for your advice !


Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Archery Explained
« on: January 14, 2011, 10:32:42 pm »
Go for powerdraw 6 use Khergit, go for powerdraw 7 use strong bow, you need higher powerdraw then the bow youa re using or your accuracy gets nerfed.

wtf ?
imagine  2 character :
 the First :
lvl 30, str 18, agi 18 = Pd 6 and Wm 6 ===> using a kergit
 The second :
lvl 30, str 15, Agi 21 = Pd 5 and Wm 7 ===>using a strongbow

did u mean the First characther who will have less wpf to put in archery will have a better accuracy ????

hello there !

 tought i do not speak english very well i'am not sure i really understand what  some of you say.

so can u confirm me that plz ? :

using a bow like kergit who need 4 pd, with  your  own power draw skill at 6 increase your accuracy ???

i was believe that  the higher your PD is , the most it decrease your accuracy because it drop your archery wpf...

that's why, with the new soft cap at lvl 30 i plan to use template like this :

"Level: 30
  Strength: 15
  Agility: 21 (2 skillpoint was converted)
  Ironflesh: 5
  Power Strike: 5
  Athletics: 7
  Power Draw: 5
  Weapon Master: 7"

to maximise my archery wpf.
but i will use a strongbow and not be able to use war or longbow.


General Discussion / Re: anyone else hates archery?
« on: January 11, 2011, 12:28:12 am »
i do not hate archer , but trower ! pure str trower = one shoted... need the same mechanic as archery so they cant be pure str trower animore or be very inaccurate !

100% agreed with this post :,785.msg9190/topicseen.html

General Discussion / Re: Fail.
« on: January 06, 2011, 04:06:12 pm »
i agree one thing : upkeep is a piece of shi....

want less tin can ? why ? 

i begin to play crpg 2 week ago, i'am light armored, and being killed by super heavy knight dont bother me  much !

why ? because i know i will have this kind of armor one day.

guy in tin can are player who play crpg a lot before me or, who play a lot a day, but it's like a reward for a huge duty.

bored to get killed by better equiped guy ? go play more untill u too can acces to better equipment , that it.
its the same in all game, better stuff = better chance to win, why whine about that ?

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