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Messages - Cane

Pages: [1]
cRPG Technical problems / problem with update
« on: September 05, 2012, 02:15:37 pm »
hello i wanted to return to play crpg after some monts but when i downloaded the newest launcher(v.0.7.7) it appeared aweird problem...[13:54:36] Updating (v2.8.9.14)
[13:54:36] Downloading mirror list
[13:54:37] Downloading file list
[13:54:37] Using mirror
[13:54:37] Downloading mirror version info
[13:54:42] Connessione sottostante chiusa(in english: this connection was closed): Errore imprevisto durante un'operazione di ricezione..(unexpected error during receive operation..)
[13:54:42] Impossibile leggere dati dalla connessione del trasporto(in english: impossible to read any file from the transport operation): Connessione in corso interrotta forzatamente dall'host remoto.(in english: this connection was forcedly interrupted by the remote host.)
[13:54:42] Connessione in corso interrotta forzatamente dall'host remoto(in english:  this connection was forcedly interrupted by the remote host.)
[13:54:42] Update failed
i tried already to use the "Repair" but it didn't work.. Could you please help me??
p.s. sorry for my bad english...

cRPG Technical problems / Bug with skip the fun
« on: January 17, 2012, 07:07:31 pm »
Hi. Today i was playing normally with my main char of lvl 30, Er_CanePazzo, who miss only 1,9 million of experience to retire...just now i wanna try another type of char (full 1h) so i went on my cRPG account and click on skip the fun while Er_Cane (my other char of lvl 1) was selected (i'm sure of this)...
I don't know why, but after the refresh the char who "skip the fun" was Er_CanePazzo :shock:, and now he miss 4 million of exp instead of 1,9 million i ask to an admin to restore the previous situation or, if it is not possible, i ask to give me the chance to remove the skip the fun from my main char...because now i throw away a lot of time due to a bug...Please, someone help me! :(
i can't neither sell my heirloomed weapons in market

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