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Messages - Wiggy

Pages: [1] 2
Closed Requests / Re: Unban Req. Wiggy_Lionheart
« on: May 01, 2013, 03:34:52 pm »
Ok mate Thanks for the unban i shall take care to heed your notice in future.



Closed Requests / Unban Req. Wiggy_Lionheart
« on: May 01, 2013, 03:22:05 pm »
Hello Fellow Warmongers, Today I decided to join EU-1 Seige server and fight for the noble and wise White team unto i fought for the defence of a fine wooden castle.
Things were going great i had successfully been chopped down thrice and decided the best action to taketh  would be the defense of the flag.

When i reached the flag my fellow kinsmen cheered and whooped at my arrival and spirit was gained by all. I proceeded to the door where the vile invaders were chopping away and I started to defend.

It was at this moment i heard an almighty "THUD" and as i stumbled then regained my composure i noticed a fellow kinsman had kicked me. Slide i let this action go and continued undeterred in the defense of the keep. "Thud" twice then thrice, I was kicketh'd again. " Nay this will not do" i roared and turned upon my kinsman and proceeded to hit him until he could kick no more.

Little did i realize he was an admin and now i fear i am banned: ( and doomed to roam the NA servers in pergutory 

Im Sorry for my aggressive response to my kinsman and hope he can forgive me.

Please unban me so i can rejoin the game : )

Thank you for reading


General Discussion / Re: EU Server 5 needs a restart
« on: March 29, 2011, 07:44:32 pm »
AHH great stuff thanks for the info guys just last few times the server goes down no one does anything about it so i though id start posting but ill use the chat from now on cheers

General Discussion / EU Server 5 needs a restart
« on: March 29, 2011, 06:00:42 pm »
the server is stuck on the end of a round no one can respawn think it needs a restart as server 6 is full!

thanks guys

Faction Halls / Re: The Lionhearts
« on: March 29, 2011, 05:25:00 am »

We are now recruiting
Applicants need steam or teamspeak 3 and must be 16+

Faction Halls / The Lionhearts
« on: March 25, 2011, 04:23:04 am »
visitors can't see pics , please register or login
The Lionhearts!visitors can't see pics , please register or login

We are the Lionhearts, We have sworn allegiance to the Kingdom of England and therefore are there vassal and will fight for the king upon his call.

Were a Mature Clan, which enjoy great teamwork and having fun but most importantly in the wise words of the sheen dog WINNING!

We are masters of siege warfare and do not shy from a challenge and you can find us on EU5 and EU6


We prefer the heavier armour heraldic transitional with Barbutte helm

To satisfy our alliance to the king, wearing armour of the east is banned.

- Breaking any rules will result in exile from the Lionhearts!
- Preferably be from the British Isles! Although everyone is welcome!
- No bundle of sticksistic behaviour! (execive trolling, pointless argueing, purpose teamkilling etc..)
- Stand by your fellow soldiers! Try to play as a group if other members are on your team.
- Avoid spilling the blood of your brothers! Try to avoid killing other members of the Royal Army if they're on the other team!
- Bear your banner proudly! Keep the clan banner on at all times!
- Members should add '_Lionheart' to the end of their name.
- Would be nice if members had steam and teamspeak
-Add me On steam Wigbreak87
-Showing direspect to our allies will result in a court marshall and you may be kicked!

The Members!
 (click to show/hide)
Wiggy_Lionheart - Double handed
Nick_Lionheart - Double handed
Alimabob_Lionheart - Double handed
T9Fury_Lionheart - Shield and Xbow
Cervalat_Lionheart - Shield and Sword


The Kingdom Of England

At War With

The French

We have teamspeak and upon joining ask for Wiggy or Nick
the ip is   4113

Game Balance Discussion / Re: What IS balanced?
« on: March 25, 2011, 04:13:34 am »
Technically yes, since one of my many alts is an archer.

I dont think we would get on this relationship is over

Game Balance Discussion / Re: What IS balanced?
« on: March 25, 2011, 01:28:11 am »
1h, 2h and polearm all need item tweaks (side sword, barmace/iron mace, hafted blades/long maces). Crossbows, bows and cav are fine. Hybrids need some tweaking. Retirement/heirloom system needs an overhaul.

i bet ur an archer of some sort

General Discussion / Re: EU_cRPG_6
« on: March 18, 2011, 07:01:56 pm »
thanks for fixing it that was very fast

General Discussion / EU_cRPG_6
« on: March 18, 2011, 05:22:55 pm »
Hi guys,

Any idea whats happening with server 6? its been broken for a few days now, started with defenders getting instant respawn and now its sort of stuck at the end of a round for the last 2 days and to top this server 5 gets passworded when full and the password wont drop until there's less than 60 players.

this is frustrating for those of us who enjoy siege games more than battle!

please fix this soon

oh and also server 5 is crashed with 0 players and password

General Off Topic / Re: What We're Reading
« on: March 14, 2011, 01:59:18 am »
Im reading Child 44 by Tom Rob Smith Fantastic book based on a serial killer in soviet russia where crime isnt recognized by the state Awesome story i recommend to all

Spam / Re: Brave Brave Sir Robin, Sir Robin Ran Away
« on: March 13, 2011, 08:14:34 pm »
i think this is the future of crpg

Spam / Re: Brave Brave Sir Robin, Sir Robin Ran Away
« on: March 13, 2011, 07:59:42 pm »
just watched the video and yeah i rekon this post will turn into the argument there having

Spam / Re: Brave Brave Sir Robin, Sir Robin Ran Away
« on: March 13, 2011, 07:58:02 pm »
haha thats the one : )

Spam / Brave Brave Sir Robin, Sir Robin Ran Away
« on: March 13, 2011, 07:55:14 pm »
Ok so ive been thinking about a fun element you could add to the mod and i know it is possible.

If any of you here have played the musket mod you will have noticed or even tried to be a drummer or piper

i think it'd be hilarious if we could have musical instruments added to the mod like the lute or drums (even coconut shells)

what do you guys/girls think

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