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Messages - Graboids

Pages: [1]
Hey guys. It's Lord Graboids of Spears.

I know I left awhile ago, but i'm back. SoA_ODHarry suggested the idea to me of trying to gather some peeps and bringing back SoA_NA for some good old fun.

Talk to me on steam - witchking891

Announcements / Re: Version 0.211 => 0.212
« on: February 15, 2011, 01:51:32 pm »
Hey, I have been trying for two days to get my game to work, but this RGL error.. resource\anim_papa_lazarou keeps popping up saying it can't read the file. I've redownloaded cRPG, redownloaded the patch a few times, extracted it a different way nothing worked that I could think of.   :?

Does anyone have an answer?

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