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Messages - Zekerage

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I suggested this exact thing nearly 2 years ago. I feel some of the possible problems/issues/concerns were addressed/discussed in the thread. While it does seem that MOTF spawns more frequently now, it's definitely nowhere near where it needs to be.

General Discussion / Re: NA servers - Game Admins Wanted
« on: July 22, 2013, 04:33:45 pm »
This is pretty much my original application:

I'd like to apply for NA Adminship. My in game name is ZyloRage. I've never had any trouble with players, am pretty well known in the regular crowd, and have never been banned or really reprimanded for anything. I feel I have a pretty good grasp on the rules, a pretty good relationship with the general public, and feel I'd have a fair and unbiased outlook on admining.

Thanks for the consideration.

Buy / Re: Want: +3 War Spear, Have: +3 Red Tassel Spear
« on: June 11, 2013, 03:33:27 am »

Buy / Re: Want: +3 War Spear, Have: +3 German Greatsword
« on: May 30, 2013, 03:52:01 pm »
What a Jerk, that mala-jerk is

Sell/Trade / Re: +3 War Spear and +3 Nordic Champ Sword for trade
« on: May 30, 2013, 05:09:57 am »
Interested in a +3 German Greatsword for your War Spear?

Buy / Re: Want: +3 War Spear, Have: +3 German Greatsword
« on: May 30, 2013, 05:09:07 am »

Buy / Want: +3 War Spear, Have: +3 Red Tassel Spear
« on: May 24, 2013, 12:11:51 pm »
Exactly as the title says, thanks.

Announcements / Re:
« on: March 05, 2013, 05:32:43 am »
Where is my WAR SPEAR BUFF?! It's lost Pierce, Blunt, Pole stun, Increased Str requirement, and the Earlier swing detection didn't help either! BUFF MAH WAR SPEAR!

Buy / Looking for a MW (+3) Long Bow
« on: December 17, 2012, 09:01:09 am »
I'm looking for a MW Long Bow. I've got a MW Rus Bow to trade for it. The trade's up in the market place, or you can PM me if you feel the need.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Duel Wielding
« on: August 12, 2012, 02:09:43 am »
Only if the second thing being wielded was a 0 slot weapon, and only then, it's for Parrying, or quick, low damaged attack that induces staggering, allowing for a follow up hit with your ACTUAL weapon. I want a use for my +3 Dagger, besides for the lawls or as a Dagger wielding shielder!

General Discussion / Re: Strat 4s psychological impact on NA
« on: August 12, 2012, 01:52:49 am »
You guys are just joinin the archery train? SO LATE TO THE PARTY... Fashionable bastards. Hahahaha!

General Discussion / Re: Make master of the field ALWAYS appear
« on: May 17, 2012, 03:48:44 am »
I voted Yes. Also, I hate everyone, and This is why.

Faction Halls / Re: [RL] Red Lotus
« on: April 19, 2012, 11:26:31 am »
First off, Tanken, I already has :D. I'm itching to play with my War spear again, if anything, though.

Secondly, I've come to a conclusion as to why I personally don't really play/enjoy this game anymore. (This will help me in responding to Khorin.) The thing that I've come to realize about why I don't enjoy CRPG anymore is because of one or two simple things. Goals and Progression. After spending 1500+ hours on this mod alone, I feel I can safely say I've "done my time." I've done almost every "serious" build, I've got a fair number of heirlooms, I'm Gen 19 (would probably be at LEAST high 20's had I not respecced so much, literally throwing xp out of the window), and while it Is fun from time to time to hop on and play with all the people I've come to enjoy playing with over the past year and a half or so, there's just not much left for Crpg to offer. Yeah, it's got an extremely unique melee combat system, but again, I've played with it so much. Pertaining to progression, I can buy or trade for anything I want, so there's no sense of accomplishment, no goals to work towards that I'd care about (I don't care about trying to get a full loomed set of armor or a loom of every weapon, etc..). basically, it's just stale, for me, at this point.

After reading that back to myself, I don't know if that answers Khorin from my personal perspective, but what I'm getting at is that Kimiko, having the enthusiasm of running this clan and actively trying to get us to all meet up on the duel server, join battles and (attempt) to roll the server, etc..., in that aspect, he is very much the "leader" that we need. As it stands, the rest of us are just likely to hop on, play a few rounds, maybe go into TS to see if anyone's on, maybe join them for a little bit, but that's about it.

TL;DR - I like to ramble a lot about nothing of importance. Who knows if any of this is relevant.

Faction Halls / Re: [RL] Red Lotus
« on: April 19, 2012, 04:05:19 am »
My theory is the reason this clan hinged on kimi was because
1. This was his clan that he wanted to start and lead
2. He's the only one that was "in a position of authority" in the clan who actually had the motivation to do any of the leading. Like I previously said, the rest of us didn't want to/didn't care to. No motivation to keep a clan alive = dying/dead clan.

Faction Halls / Re: [RL] Red Lotus
« on: April 17, 2012, 10:19:55 pm »
Kimi's been MIA for the past 2 or 3 weeks. That's what led to this whole uncertainty debacle in the first place. With me and Mori not really wanting to take the reigns, and Earth'd trying to and then not wanting too (I... guess?), that leaves RL in a sort of Limbo where we're not officially dead, but we're not really active and doing anything.

Kimi predicted they'd be back sometime last week... or was it the week before? I don't remember, but essentially, they're tied up in Real World matters. I've personally been playing other games because I needed a break from this game, or it'd get to the point that instead of saying "Why did I start this up", I'd be saying "Why is this even installed on my computer?". I get on every once in a while, but nowhere near the amount of time I used to play it.

Anyway, seeing as the Clan is in Limbo, and no one's really stepping up to lead it (to where, who knows), Your options at this point are to keep on truckin along waiting for kimi to come back, play something else (and continue to wait), or find a new clan. *Shrug*

Also, Lemmy, you're a hamster up a gay mans ass. You shut your whore mouth!


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