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Messages - GreentacK

Pages: [1]
While in game I was disconnected from server, and at character page, my main has been respected with half his ex lost. This happened without me using the respect option.  :(
Has this happened to anyone else? Anything I can do to correct this?

I don't know what would be involved in getting something like this to work, whether its as easy as changing a few numbers to alter that shade, or having to recompile each models.
I maybe someone with some modding knowledge of this game could shed some light on how practical this might be?

Suggestions Corner / Equipment variation by changing defaut hue.
« on: May 16, 2011, 06:54:25 pm »
Hello All,

I was thinking about how to add variety to the current selection of armor and equipment. 

Alot of people use the Heraldic sets to display their banners/color, I was wondering If anyone else would like to see the ability to change the defaut colors that accent certain equipment.

 For instance being able to change the tunic, cloaks, and various wrappings on items to different hues. Mabee a feature on the site to dye equipment for a fee after it is purchased. Not thinking anything crazy like neon crap, just period type colors simular to the ones already used, but with the ability pick the the color you want.

 I know some items come in diffent colors, but expanding it to most items having alternate hues, I think would add alot more variety for people to play with.

What do you think about it?

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Masterworked Langes Messer Missing
« on: April 29, 2011, 07:53:26 pm »
I also am missing my Tempered Langes, :|.  Hope we get them back!

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