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Messages - Dr_pepper

Pages: [1]
Closed Requests / [Unban] Dingo_Spaloney
« on: March 14, 2011, 10:50:48 pm »
 :oops: Hey guys, so I was banned almost a week ago on the NA servers.

I don't know if any of you know my character, but hes a throwing machine whose lances often catch unfortunate opponents in battle.

But with great power comes great responsibility and unfortunately, my character fell into the wrong hands last week. If you saw my friend Danny's (Dino_Spumoni) post we were playing on the battle server to try something new (we usually cause havoc on NA_Siege). I didn't get to play much though, because I was preparing to eat some chilly with rice. I told Danny I would "brb" and didn't think twice about letting my step brother, Blake (hes thirteen), try his hand at slaying a few people while I watched some TV and ate. The battle server might have not been such a good choice though, we all know people can get pretty competitive and there are very good players on that server. Consequently, I don't know if Blake was having such a fun time dying constantly. Needless to say, things got out of hand and it resulted in the ban. I just wanted to apologize for whatever actions he took on that fateful day and to all the people he probably killed. Danny did not participate in any of this... Our names are just very similar to confuse people and its an inside joke between us.

I'm sorry I haven't been able to respond quicker; it's finals week and I would really enjoy the little break time I have to throw more lances (at the enemy).


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