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Messages - Whizz343

Pages: [1]
Announcements / Re: Version 0.200 Released
« on: January 05, 2011, 06:16:54 pm »
 Yeh, I'm thinking of packing this in.

Announcements / Re: Version 0.200 Released
« on: January 05, 2011, 06:10:15 pm »
Meh, this patch will completely ruin it for me, mainly because of the repairs and the amount they will cost, I would have liked to keep upgrading my armors buying better, but now I have to keep on just saving up for repairs.

cRPG Technical problems / Crashing on Joining
« on: January 05, 2011, 05:25:56 pm »
As soon as I join the server I'm immediatly brought out of my game and received a 'Mount & Blade Warband has stopped working..."

Pages: [1]