« on: January 18, 2013, 08:50:26 am »
Hello Administration Adviser,
My name is Token_Smitty and I deserve Administrator because I roll x5 constantly and have more swag than George Clooney with a +3 crossbow sporting a mustache. I love puppies but i would eat them if I had to. I'm hardcore like dat. I promise to use my powers only for good with the exception of admin abuse against my clan called Murder Boner. Murder Boner is a respectable clan whom deserves admin abuse. I'm not racist but like seriously whats with all the Canadians??? They are cool so that's why I should be Administrator. Consider this, my friends of the crpg community, If you make me admin all of your wildest dreams will come true... And I have mad Skillz... Chicks love da skillz.
Vote for me for your admin and you get free loompoints out da azz all day long.... TOKEN SMITTY 2013!
Ok but seriously, I want administrator. I've only been ban like three times in two years....
Ok Bai
OK bai