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Messages - Token_Smitty

Pages: [1]
NA (Official) / Re: JayJrod_MB, Chevalier_WildPete
« on: September 20, 2014, 12:26:36 am »
Yeah this is a joke....   It was my last round to play and Jay and I went to go duel.   Idk wtf this guy is complaining about....

General Discussion / Re: NA Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
« on: January 18, 2013, 08:50:26 am »
Hello Administration Adviser,

My name is Token_Smitty and I deserve Administrator because I roll x5 constantly and have more swag than George Clooney with a +3 crossbow sporting a mustache. I love puppies but i would eat them if I had to.  I'm hardcore like dat.  I promise to use my powers only for good with the exception of admin abuse against my clan called Murder Boner.  Murder Boner is a respectable clan whom deserves admin abuse.   I'm not racist but like seriously whats with all the Canadians???  They are cool so that's why I should be Administrator.  Consider this, my friends of the crpg community, If you make me admin all of your wildest dreams will come true... And I have mad Skillz... Chicks love da skillz. 

Vote for me for your admin and you get free loompoints out da azz all day long....     TOKEN SMITTY 2013!

Ok but seriously, I want administrator.  I've only been ban like three times in two years....   
Ok Bai

OK bai

Another way Poop is successful on the market is by taking advantage of other peoples mistakes.  For example:  I accidently put Lordly Heraldic armor for sale for 325k because I mistaked it for +1 armor I had.

Thanks poop for not responding to my messages and congratulations on your 50 bucks amazon gift card you received in exchange for my many crpg hours.   FUCKING ASSHOLE

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