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Messages - YourLord

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Suggestions Corner / Re: Anime hair
« on: September 15, 2011, 02:30:34 pm »
I am usually against this atrocity, but you could put it in for 1 patch then take it out the next :D

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Cut Damage Tweak?
« on: September 08, 2011, 09:29:24 am »
This shit needs to stop, I want my warband experience back. This is just stupid, I can survive like 4-5 blows in my Lamellar. The enemies do the same, I dont like this one bit! Major rant post!

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Worst things about this game
« on: September 06, 2011, 09:33:25 am »
I hate how everyone is suddenly so tanky, the feel of the game is broken for me. Goddamn 3 slashes to the face and people don't die on regular basis now. With fucking 8PS!!?!!?
Oh and the shit I survive sometimes is just ridiculous now, I would rather die for my mistakes.
Plus how a new patch fucked up my lvl 29 thrower back in the day, still cannot lvl him up to 31 to respec its pain in the ass to play him.

New stab animations suck and are confusing as fuck. People will stab with a sword it will seem like they miss, then they move their weapon in my direction and I get hit by that thing. I mean alright it touched me, but it looked more like he just laid that thing on my shoulder not stabbed me for 1/3 HP.

Throwing.... my throwing axes fly at the speed of a paper plane.

Buff kick :D

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Buff throwing!!!
« on: September 04, 2011, 02:31:53 pm »
Give me mah projectile SPEED!!!

Suggestions Corner / Re: buff bastard weapons in 1handed mode
« on: September 04, 2011, 01:44:26 pm »
I remember this being discussed a couple of times already in the past, never been addressed.

A whole new game style would open up with this change. I for one would make a 1h/2h hybrid with longsword or something.
Fuck I would even make a 1h/2h/shield/throwing hybrid with that change lol :D

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
« on: June 22, 2011, 09:45:38 am »

A quick estimation way of doing it is to take helmet x3, hands x2, chest, and feet. Add those together, subtract 7, and that's how much WPF you lose. I round up to make everything easier and just to be safe. In your case that is (3*3)+(.5 *2)+13+1-7=17. So that leaves 47-17=30, which is 9 less than you require.

Hmm.. does that mean this thread is innacurate or did I make a mistake somewhere?,2722.0.html

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
« on: June 22, 2011, 09:26:00 am »
The current wpf per powerthrow requirement is 13, not 14. I know we were told 14 by someone, but there is a lot of misinformation going around. Same with the lances. Some of the devs like to troll. I don't understand why since it probably makes their jobs harder when people are pming them yelling about lances and wpf. Oh well. 1*13.

Edit: took out my question after finding info about it in the RIP throwing thread. Posted question there.

Weird, then how come when I wear my 16,3 armor I can throw, but not pick up HeavyThrowing Axes from the ground?

Barbutte(3), Kuyak(13), Leather Boots(0,8), Mail Gauntlets (0,5)
(3 * 3) + 13 + 0,8 + (0,5 * 2) - 7,5=16,3
3 * 13=39

My WPF 47
47 * (1 - 0,008 * 16,3)=40,8712

Sadly the video did not contain the material I was aiming for when I saw the name of the thread

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
« on: June 20, 2011, 05:25:06 pm »
It was an addendum to what you were saying to inform people that may not have known that 7 PT is the norm with 8 PT as the absolute max.

Ohh... ok haha, I just thought it was a bit random and out of the blue :D
But yes 6-7 PT if you're Hybrid is max you should be getting, don't know about pure though.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
« on: June 20, 2011, 01:51:08 pm »
For a level 30 build 8 PT is really the max even if you're a pure thrower. 9 PT puts you at 3 athletics with no IF, shield, riding, or PS. 8 PT allows you to have more athletics, a shield, maybe some PS, and/or riding.

Huh? Why are you even telling me this? I was pointing out that with 8PT and 47WPF I am only using 3PT because 3*14=42 , cant even use Kuyak or I am no longer able to pick up my axes back when I throw them... or i have to take off the helmet
47 * (1 - 0,008 * 16,3)~40

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
« on: June 20, 2011, 08:55:30 am »
When is the goddamn item patch coming? I am tired of paying insane repairs for 4 axes which can be used to kill 1 person if you actually manage to hit all of them which is borderline impossible, unless you only use them in doorways or stairs (still the accuracy is laughable).
These things cost me as much repair as my main weapon with efficiency ratio of about 1(axes) to 10(any 2H/Polearm)

The only satisfaction I get is one in a million random headshot which is oh so epic and satisfying, but has no skill involved and is pure luck.
Oh and btw my throwing charracter is so assraped by the new changes, I have 8 PT on my thrower and 50wpf from previous patch... now whats wrong with that with the new patch...?

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Whats up...
« on: June 08, 2011, 02:41:54 pm »
your playing on EU and fail to see any pikeman, seriously are you blind.

most clans run around with 1 or two pikeman nearly all the time, maybe you don't notice cos your too busy running in and spamming you two hander.

out of interest what servers do you play on most regularly?

I usually play any most populated EU server, I am playing 1-2 Hours tops though (I am actually posting from my work only haha). Maybe I am blind though, today I will use my pike and see how it goes.
Have played siege mostly due to 2 of my friends I convinced to play M&B :) , siege is more noobfriendly. But yeah, on siege I never see anyone with pikes really. Neither do I see any cav there and those two are linked, because I was referring to actual pike men who only use pikes as a weapon not anticav.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Whats up...
« on: June 08, 2011, 09:01:00 am »
UPDATE :D  :shock:

Game Balance Discussion / Whats up...
« on: June 07, 2011, 03:57:12 pm »
Hi there community :)

Could someone explain to me what the fuck has happened here:?:
(Haven't played for a month or so, come back and everything is upside down...)

Why is everything so useless now??? I see everything got nerfed?!
I used to love this game because almost everything was viable,
I would be running around swinging my 2h or Hally and I would meet all sorts of dangers on my way:
Deadly Throwers, Crazy Agi spammers, Spamitars, Pike masters, Staffspammers, Xbowshotgun to da face, HuscarlTurtles.

First playing on the server I was a bit confused to how bland everything has become, but after reading the forums I got really sad. What the fuck devs?!?!?
I hate this sort of balance, I rather have all charracter types overpowered than having everything bland and uninteresting.

I understand that I did not really explain any real gripes I have with the new balance, but that would just be insane wall of text.
But all in all, I feel the game got really simple and no one charracter on the field carries any real value anymore. (its just like games where tactics are about using teamwork to kill a single person)

P.S (I have many characters Pure 2H, Pole/throwing hybrid, 1h/Shield, Cav)

Update... :D

I need to play a bit more before I can create a more constructive post in details, but so far my thoughts are:

 Don't really know if this is because of people adjusting to new patch or what, it seems like the game got allot more boring to me. And i don't think its due to my leet skillz, not crying because I cannot top the charts anymore or anything like that.
 I am well... sad, because all of a sudden I don't feel the intensity of battle anymore. I don't feel like I need to keep moving to stay alive. Its mostly due to all ranged nerfs I suppose.

 I will be running around in my transitional pawning people with no fear. I mean I pretty much mindlessly run in with my 2h or whatever and my goal is to score a 3to1 ratio and then I don't even care what happens. And usually nothing much happens I just end up doing something silly or make a mistake and get hit in da face and die. (No Helmet ftw)
 Before it used to be a bit more interesting than that, evading all the crap flying around :D, even though I do get hit by some arrows or bolts sometimes those don't usually even bother me (1/4 hp pfft a flesh wound :D). It also seems to me like everything got a lot slower, this I suppose because there are less agi on most chars because of the weapon requirements? (might just be the 2H nerfs or something though)
 Ohh.... and pike/spear users, I haven't seen a single one yet. I think today I will give my Pole/throwing hybrid a whirl, don't think i will be able to throw those axes anymore though lawlz.

It is hard for me to come up with real examples because I have to dig in my memories for the things that made me love the game back then, and not whats new right now. My dissatisfaction (you call it ranting, crying..) lie within the game getting dumbed down. I don't understand why people should not be able to create powerful characters, I was always against stupid archer nerfs, but the new throwing adjustments are just laughable.

I like the weapon limiting though, I also like the new smaller packs of throwing weapons. If only you could pick up all the throwing weapons from the bodies, otherwise pure throwers are gimped. (I haven't really played my thrower yet, but I red that there are new requirements to equip the throwing weapons. And those might be out of wack too I imagine, since they were basically aimed to kill the hybrid class)
Thats another gripe I've got with the way things are going, why so much hate for hybrids? I had both Pole/Thrower and pure 2H through the course of this mod, and my pure would always give me more killing power and reliability in close combat. My thrower hybrid on the other hand sometimes was much more fun to play, but in no way was hybrid OP or anything.

I think I should put a word on lolstab here too. I think it sucks and its overnerfed, I was one of those people that actually did not like lolstab. I had to learn to use it to be able to compete though, I still think it was crazy fast and all that. But what is left of it now is well.... , especially the crazy thing that happens when you cannot block after enemy blocks your stab is just bs.

PS. Wall of Text!!!

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Round Shields...(Nerf thread)
« on: February 11, 2011, 09:26:25 am »
Just buff other shields to decent state and introduce manual block for shields, block the wrong way and you receive 25% more damage on your shield.
Then we can stop calling shield users noobs...

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