« on: August 04, 2016, 10:17:03 pm »
Grand Prince Mcsanders would like to thank his King(s), I have served under 4 great leaders throughout the Sixish years that i have been apart of Acre and do not regret my decision to become apart of this great and prestigious clan, You have all been a real joy to play with and it has been my pleasure to stand side by side with some of the greatest warriors and archers, Even that wizard guy (delson) It's been a blast to be apart of this and while is sad to see such a bit part of my gaming experience come to an end, While i am sure i will see you at some point in OKAM, may the great chadz Look after your divine souls and guide you into the eternal glory that will await you. so thank you for the opportunity to serve, But alas it's time for Mcsanders And Gertrude to say our goodbye.
King Reinhardt, You was the first king i served under, you showed me the code and honor that i stood by throughout my years of service, Thank you for your leadership,
King James, To my commonwealth brother from across the pond, Your tactics and wisdom has always been impressive, and im sure you shall lead us into the new age of Okam.
King Behemoth, While your Reign was short it has been an honor and a pleasure to serve by your side and in the front lines.
King Saint, The Champion of Acre, While i never bested you in a fair duel, it was always great to learn and play with you, I hope to see you dominating the battle field in OKAM in the future,
True Pope Bravo, Brother it has been an extreme honor to have played with you, I wish you all the best in the future.
Knightmare, While you used to be the Raging nerdgasm, you was a great guy..Good luck with your shitty games that you play,
Sellka, It has been an honor to have you watch my back with your arrows, and i wish you the best.
And to all the people i have not mention in acre and in the rest of the game, Even our enemies...Good luck And have fun!
Deus vult!