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Messages - Leed

Pages: [1] 2 3
General Discussion / Re: Loom giveaway
« on: June 18, 2014, 11:10:10 pm »

Closed Requests / Re: ban
« on: March 06, 2012, 10:17:25 am »
yep, last night ciero was acting rediculous. We were fighting a guy on a wall and i accidentally wounded him twice (touched for a couple HPs as he was in tunic and i didn't kill him), and instead of continuing to fight he chose to press "M" and slide off the wall. Then he accused me of wounding him 4 time. After that, in the same round he tried to kick me off the leader and hit me.
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Cicero: Pathetic totally =)
Please god can you forgive me for pressing me please i really made a big mistake =)
I didnt even hit you lol this is so funny =)
In that screenshot please try to read its gosling not me genius.
Any admin can check that also if pressing m means ban go ahead permaban me =))
already got you.

Closed Requests / Re: ban
« on: March 06, 2012, 09:31:28 am »
Cicero:It wasnt on purpose i tried to 360 spin move and side attack combo which occured a fail teamkill sorry for that.
           By the way if any admin gonna try to check the logs , This guy is talking ridicilous things about turkish people like " i dont buy this game to support you turkish dogs".Also this guy made an intentional teamkill at the start of round it was 2 rounds before my teamkill in fight.Hope someone will pay attention.

Türkçe Forum / Re: Kapış
« on: February 28, 2012, 03:13:25 pm »
kenarda yazan gold yanlış kardeş
hakkaten gerizekalı yalnız.

Diplomacy / Re: Up to date list of wars
« on: February 26, 2012, 04:08:40 pm »
No, acctually, it was slightly different. After one of our members completely randomly ninjad 1 of their villages. I  raided 1 of their guys while he had 2226 goods after I found out we got war. The deal was made by Bazouks not us, that if we give those back we can keep the village and have peace, but we arent stupid.....just insane.....ofcourse we said no.

And the I dont care story.....was acctually a story both factions members keep repeating and its pretty much a known truth that we will be crushed anyways. And I claimed to be a troll only  once only in one thread. And I came here declaring we got balls the first thing. You Rufio are about 10 days late..... :D
While your diplomat chris is begging us to not attacking for 3 more days so you guys can pay 250k.

Cicero says : "Fear me like you fear god , cause i bring death."

Sell/Trade / Re: :O
« on: January 30, 2012, 09:07:59 pm »
lol idiot i'll take care of selling those lock it ...

Sell/Trade / :O
« on: January 30, 2012, 09:05:06 pm »
wrong topic :D

Türkçe Forum / Re: 3-1
« on: December 08, 2011, 01:57:54 am »
Bizi kendinizle karıştırmayın Berkay

Türkçe Forum / Re: Yeni Versiyon
« on: November 29, 2011, 06:04:23 pm »
Bir de yeni yumruk atma stili var tam ağzına vuruyo  :mrgreen:

Türkçe Forum / Re: The BashiBazouks / Üye alınmaktadır !
« on: September 26, 2011, 12:11:32 am »
biri k/d mi dedi ? :D

Sell/Trade / Re: [SELL] Lordy Heraldic Transitional Armour
« on: August 13, 2011, 12:47:53 pm »
up !

Faction Halls / Re: Basileia ton Romaion (Byzantium)
« on: August 10, 2011, 08:29:07 pm »
From HarunYahya (Since he's muted)
Nice at last we'll fight against manly equipped guys instead of bunch of power rangers.
Best of luck and good wishes from HarunYahya,thanks to leed for posting my words.
Für mein freund bulldog
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From me:
Good to see more european themed clans forming up,welcome back hope it'll bring joy and some items to whole community.

Sell/Trade / Re: [SELL] Lordy Heraldic Transitional Armour
« on: August 10, 2011, 05:32:43 pm »
I'm still waiting...

General Discussion / Re: Top 25 ranks
« on: August 10, 2011, 05:29:25 pm »
You know cRPG died yesterday so I was playing Native ( Native is suck :D )

General Discussion / Re: Top 25 ranks
« on: August 10, 2011, 02:35:00 pm »
Age 49 [34]
Generation 10
Experience 84,649,029
Level up at 180,977,643
Kills 20053
Deaths 3981
Rank #8

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