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Messages - Valo

Pages: [1]
Other / Re: AEF_CRPG_AUS
« on: November 28, 2011, 10:38:05 pm »
WEll, i can sort of see where you're coming from Hatsune, but could you give them a break. I know i'm saying what so many people have already said, and the cliche is  getting endless, but you are cutting down the australian community so much. I advise unbanning all permabans and enjoying what time AEF_cRPG_AUS has left.

For the record, as i have already said. ITS CAESAR, WITH AN AE!!!

Other / Re: AEF_CRPG_AUS
« on: November 28, 2011, 08:42:09 am »
I'd be worried by now Caesar (see, it's CAesar, with an AE) He's quite obsessed with you.

Other / Re: AEF_CRPG_AUS
« on: November 28, 2011, 08:34:18 am »
Guys. This is getting out of hand. Dutchy, admit your a fucktard and go back to whatever you do to pass the time, i.e. being hated by the whole Aus cRPG community.

cRPG Technical problems / Account hacked/bugged?
« on: October 20, 2011, 11:17:41 am »
Hey guys,

I just wanted to start playing crpg again after a few months where i didnt have the time to. The first Problem was i couldnt log in into my account, so i did the password/account forgotten thing.
The game told me my account name is CalDawg, i thought it was some kind of bug so i logged in my account and saw that all of my characters are gone and there are 23! new characters.
What am I supposed to do? Is it a crpg bug or is someone playing with my cdkey?

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