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Messages - Opuri

Pages: [1]
Events & Tournaments / Re: all cRPG CLAN FALLEN TOURNAMENT (number 02)
« on: February 24, 2011, 10:43:39 pm »
1. Yes we were all having lagspikes, and considering the server was different this time the problem is definetly the gamemode and not the server.
2. There was no rain

Rain started before the Tournament ended :p

Events & Tournaments / Re: all cRPG CLAN FALLEN TOURNAMENT (number 02)
« on: February 24, 2011, 10:38:18 pm »
Well, good fighting everyone. We Roses did what we could, sorry for the trouble we might've caused (scottsman and missing members!) We look forward to the next tournament ;)

We talked earlier already Krakatit, but i'll still post my join request here. I'd like to be a part of the Infantry men-at-arms group, i'm a 2-hander user (rolling a hybrid with throwing right now, 3m for retirement).

Oh well, here goes my chances! ;)

*also, 1st post in this forums*

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