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Messages - McJamesV

Pages: [1]
Forum Name: JimmyJang
In-game Name: JimmyJang
Do you have TS3? Yesm
How long are you usually on a day/week? I have had warband for like...a few months now maybe lol? I just installed it and like the idea of Crpg and Strategus no matter how confusing it seems :(
What other clans have you been in (if none leave blank)? None, as far as I know.
References (clan members who recruited you. If none leave blank):
What is your Steam name? Jimmyjang

Edit: Uh I tried joining the teamspeak and it came up I think with the right one, but I am unsure of which channel to join. :x I tried the cRPG but I got a bunch of foreign speaking dudes.

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