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Messages - Viridian

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Respec Fever?
« on: February 28, 2013, 05:33:32 am »
I used to respec a ton too, Gen 5 and I'd probably be like gen 8+ if I never did. What I did this gen is i just used a balanced (18/18) hybrid build, split my WPF 3 ways across 2h/1h/poles and so far I'm loving the build and its effective enough.

So yeah, I'd try for a hybrid build of some sort if you find yourself respeccing often.

General Discussion / Re: Ping from each state of America
« on: February 20, 2013, 06:55:14 am »
Oregon, 40mbit up and 12ish down, get about 65-80 ping here.

General Discussion / Re: Your cRPG hero
« on: February 12, 2013, 01:09:41 am »
Assassino for sure, Some of the stuff he's pulled off is just amazing, and inspired me to try an agi heavy build for the first time, he's always really fun to spectate. Also, Saul, HarmlessPeasant, Miley, and Kaoklai. I'm sure there are a lot more honestly, memories of when I first started playing cRPG are pretty hazy, I don't really remember names.

I miss dueling with Saul and Kaoklai even though they effortlessly kicked my ass every time.

General Discussion / Re: Who has the most style?
« on: May 19, 2012, 06:11:01 pm »
Kind of surprised no one has mentioned Assassino. I vote him.

He's just a ton of fun to watch, a beast with that long dagger.

General Discussion / Re: Does anyone like night time? [Poll]
« on: April 21, 2012, 11:34:18 pm »
I fucking hate the night, I don't get why anyone would enjoy it, it just makes everything more difficult for no reason.

It's tolerable in "City" maps with lots of artificial lighting, though.

General Discussion / Re: What made you rage?
« on: April 09, 2012, 02:27:52 pm »
Mail coifs. Why the fuck do people wear these shitty excuses for headgear? It makes me so god damn mad.

General Discussion / Re: What do you think abut the archery nerf?
« on: January 21, 2012, 05:34:21 pm »
I've pretty much only played pure melee in cRPG, and I think the nerf wasn't necessary.

The problem wasn't that archers individually did too much damage, the problem was that in some cases, there were too many archers, and not enough shielders to compensate for all of the ranged fire, since cRPG (at least in NA1) seems to be very 2H/Polearm dominant.

General Discussion / Re: Really melee-ers?
« on: January 20, 2012, 07:33:06 pm »
Being an archer is popular. If there is a too large percentage of archers on the server the gameplay becomes shit, and people become archers to counter archers. Archery's popularity exceeds the the amount of archers the balance can handle. So to weed out a lot of the not so hardcore archers, they make the class individually underpowered, to prevent the class as a whole to be overpowered.

So if you all stop desiring to be an archer so desperately, the individual archer can be buffed.

Pretty much this. As it is now, an individual archer is pretty much useless, unless he is very skilled at his job. Yet, an individual Two-hander, or Polearm build, is very deadly, even on their own, and it does not require as much skill to be useful to your team.

I think archers were fine before, they didn't need a nerf like this. Compared to pretty much all melee builds, Archers do completely shit damage individually, the problem with ranged is when it becomes a concentrated force. I can think of a few times, pre-patch when about 7 Hospitaller archers camped a hill, and pretty much annihilated everyone since none of us had shields. Yet, with a bit of strategy, and teamwork, we beat the mass archers by just waiting it out, using natural cover, and not running into the meat grinder, because eventually, those archers that are shit at melee have to run to the flag if they want to win.

But regardless, I feel that the composition of "classes" has a lot to do with the balance of cRPG. Based on experience, I'd say 2H/Poles are the most common classes, and if that is the case, on some maps, with no strategy involved, a large amount of archers could completely murder your team. But if huscarl wielding shielders were the most prominent class, archers wouldn't be that useful at all.

It just seems that 2H/Polearm builds are so dominant in cRPG, that everyone hates range since it's their weakness, due to no shield, so they complain that archers are OP because there's nothing past footwork they can do to stop them. Maybe more people should become Shielders, archers are not a problem when you have a round Huscarl accompanied with an invisible force-field protecting you. I dunno, the balance is a real fragile thing, and I think the easiest way to balance this game would be to impose a limit on how many people can use ranged weapons per team, but I just don't see that happening, and I don't think the community would like that.

Coming from someone who has done three gens of pure 2H melee, I've raged at my fair share of archers, but they generally were just fine.

Faction Halls / Re: Clan-Searching-Thread
« on: January 15, 2012, 07:32:19 pm »
Hi, I'm currently looking for an at least semi-active clan to participate with mostly in Battle, though I am quite interested in Strategus, and would also like to participate in it.

Current Build (Level 30, Gen 2): 16/24, athletics heavy, pure 1h. Retiring soon into a sword, and board spec. My previous main was Jotun, if anyone remembers that name. I've been 2H/Polearm for about 3 gens, the two on my past main, and one gen on this current one, so I have some experience with blocking, I like to think I am above average at it.

In-game name: Viri

Country: United States, Oregon to be specific.

Age: 17

I have a mic, and I am mostly open to using it, but due to certain issues within my current living space I cannot guarantee that I will be able to use it at any given time. Fortunately, that should all be solved next month. I should have no problem at least listening in to TS/Vent if necessary. 

Basically just looking for people I can play with on a semi-regular basis, regardless of how it's done.

Feel free to PM me, or contact me via Steam here, I am pretty much always online:

Sad that I never tend to see any of my Imperium brethren on anymore. Pretty much on everyday. :(

Hey all! Thanks for the warm welcome Braeden, Kale, and Kophka! I'm glad to be apart of Imperium Chalybs, and I'm looking forward to playing more with you guys in the future. :)

Also that is a pretty awesome banner, looking forward to wearing that.

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