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Messages - Parm

Pages: [1]
cRPG Technical problems / New again, but can't join server
« on: December 28, 2013, 03:06:49 pm »
Hey all, haven't played in a few years, and recently redownloaded.  I can play normal multiplayer warband, but when I try crpg, it tells me I cannot connect to the servers when I try and join a game.

I am running it from the crpg launcher, I have updated to the most recent version of M&B warband, and I can log into the website just fine and get on my old character there.

Any thoughts for what else I might try?  I looked through the forums for other suggests, and I changed use secure connection to 0 in rgl_config.txt.  Not sure what to try from here.  I am not using steam, is that an issue? 

Thanks for any help.

cRPG Technical problems / Issues with old toon
« on: January 26, 2011, 10:11:25 pm »
Hey all,

Haven't played crpg for a few months, but logged back in and am having some database issues.  I can use the webpage just fine, but my toon doesn't have anything in the inventory and no experience (though it has stuff on the website).

It's not a misspelling issue, and not an issue of being the wrong sex.  Those were the only things I could find in a search through the forums.

Any help would be appreciated.  Toon name is Parm.


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