« on: August 23, 2011, 01:54:52 pm »
Hello! I'm Gaz 21 from the UK. I am currently running The Risen EU servers and dedibox and feel that I have a good understanding of how the game works behind the scenes.
I am an experienced admin and have been in charge of servers for various games in the past including Call of Duty and Battlefield I have also been a forum admin in the various clans that I have been in over the years.
If I needed to describe the way I work as an admin I would say I took more of an overview of what was happening in a server or on the forums and then would only step in with a warning when 100% necessary.
As it currently stands I would rather be involved in helping with the server side behind the scenes stuff like connecting people to the database but would be happy and honoured to be involved with anything.
Thanks for Reading