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Messages - Fucktard

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Warhammer-like event with regiments and stuff
« on: October 20, 2011, 12:22:24 am »
Its lime the line battle in M&M mod. It requires A LOT of training to move as something else than a blob formation. It will be even harder to move as a square-even formation than a 1 or 2 men line, like people do in M&M.

A cRPG line battle would be awesome and historically acurate if we use clans.

Clans are Great Households or Mercenary companies. Each one provide an infantry regiment working as a single units, their archers are going all together in an archer line, and the cav form a Knight company.

awesome awesome

Game Balance Discussion / Ladderz in battle
« on: October 19, 2011, 07:54:19 pm »

I prefered the map with that single stone bridge that stretched across a vast river, I have fond memories of this map. I think they used to play it alot in NA, whenever you could see Lady Gaga on his plate charger in a wedding dress and all his majesty.

Alas, bridge maps they are my loveth, for much action is shed on their grimey planks and stones
bring it back I say! Or risk a tooth or bone!

I remember that one. EPIC MAP ADD IT TOO

The map with a big tower, surrounded by water, with two bridges ? With anti-horses stakes in the river ? The "camp that tower" map ?

Bah, why not. For variation.


General Discussion / Re: new player lols @ banner "balance"
« on: October 18, 2011, 04:16:33 pm »
As a new player I've played a long time whithout knowing about the banner balance. x1 all the time. Then I wore the banner of a "great" clan and it didnt changed the things so much, still x1 most part of the time. I think its just bad luck, about getting balanced on the wrong team every time.

To be honest, I dont think it affects the gameplay for a new player.

And then I joined a clan, I can ssure you that when another clan is on the opposite team, we try hard to fight them everytime its possible.

Bring back that map
Bring back Nekkid Mike Day

and bring back the XP TOWER MAP !!! (no screens avalaible for that one sorry)

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