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Messages - Stelios

Pages: [1]
Faction Halls / Re: Lots and Lots of Jolly Knights
« on: May 16, 2011, 01:03:36 pm »
The fact was:
- about 1/3 if not 1/2 of all players were LLJK;
- we hardly did reach vitez wave and couldnt reach engi wave as we did in a random party a day before;
- ???
- profit!
that was a great example of a great teamwork!

I dont know why I continue talking to you, because everything is told already.
I did no reports and I hope we do understand each other now.

Faction Halls / Re: Lots and Lots of Jolly Knights
« on: May 16, 2011, 08:47:20 am »
Nam veteran with a with the gift of clairvoyance.

Faction Halls / Re: Lots and Lots of Jolly Knights
« on: May 16, 2011, 07:11:54 am »
The fish rots from the head.

Yes, its stupid to bash your teammate's shield, but its also stupid to run before a shooting xbow.
Then try to divide those dumbasses that shoot an arrow from those dumbasses that jump on an arrow.
Can you? And your dumbasses that call themselves knights? Doubt that.

Im sure that unban requests from your guildies will be more interesting that this one.
Admins unban me  on servers eu crpg 1 ,2 ,3,,5,6 pls. I killed Teamkillers! But admins ban me!
when I killed her on purpose, I say nothing, and nothing the admins do not say!
Sorry for bad English
and I ll get more pleasure reading'em.
Cuz now Im a fan of your work, LLJK.

Faction Halls / Re: Lots and Lots of Jolly Knights
« on: May 16, 2011, 12:50:34 am »
Ive played a bit more with LLJK team and now I dont think that they are such monsters as I thought before.
That wasnt an answer I wanted to see, cuz:

1) LLJK do not "exile themselves from a group" when they do a TK. dot.

2) EU6 is not a LLJK clan server and they cant dictate there own rules there. set your own server but even when you have one you

3) must obbey the Core Rules as everyone else: No intentional teamwounding/teamkilling, No malicious griefing of teammates (kickspamming, blocking, etc.)

I'm not used to be the complainant and dont want to add some stupid work to server administration by reporting etc. but stop that, please, you ruin this game even more than teamkillers.

Faction Halls / Re: Lots and Lots of Jolly Knights
« on: May 15, 2011, 10:58:46 pm »

I dont know what is a clan policy for public servers but I must admit that LLJK_Lady_Gaga (mostly) and some others (I dont want to mention other names-  no intention to raise a stink or demand punishment) clearly went beyond the normal behavior while playing on a EU6 server.
Accident TKs happen. And it is normal to say "Im sorry" and keep playing.
At the beginning I was I was surprised by the frequentcy of accidents, but the I did TK myself. It was a pure accident - I was shooting from a ladder and a player was coming up. I said "oh no, Im sorry" then I was kicked and later cought 2(sic!) xbow bolts and died.
oh, ok Im very peaceful man, I can forgive any ragekill or something like that but every time I encounter such shitheads I switch my fraps on to get evidence. so Ive returned to game and I noticed that EVERY time LLJK is TKed they TK back or, if they can't, - start a poll for a ban. EVERY TIME. game was ruined. every teamhit was send back as a tk. and  said something like "LLJK why do you behave so... idiotic? at least some of you" and was TKed in a moment.

Here is a list of violations of the rules of the game that they made:
                - No intentional teamwounding/teamkilling
                - No malicious griefing of teammates (kickspamming, blocking, etc.)

If guild officers are interested or if your colleagues say Im a liar - I can upload a video, its quality isnt good but it is sufficient to see names. All I want from your officers is to give few lessons of public behavior and game rules to your guildies.
P.S. yes, my english is bad and excuse me that. Im not f native english speaker.

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