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Messages - SharpG

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Suggestions Corner / Re: Crossbow Needs love.
« on: January 28, 2011, 10:06:13 pm »
More requirements? Haha.
Crossbows were designed for the battle-retarded in the Medieval Era.

You pulled back a string and pulled a lever. Is that too hard?
First off, using real life analogies for game balance is absolutely fail. That's exactly like saying "How hard is it to notch an arrow and pull the string back?". The reason crossbows should have more requirements is because it allows them to be buffed without the hybrid classes having access to them.

In my honest opinion, its not the damage that plagues the crossbow, its the incredibly long reload time (Now you may say, use the light crossbow! But even it's reload time in proportion to it's damage is rather poor). Heroin was talking about how anything above 40 armor takes 2 shots from his double heirloomed sniper xbow. This is perfectly fine, but paired with an incredibly long reload time and a chance to miss which results in most likely NOT scoring a kill which is fine FOR A HYBRID CLASS, not a dedicated crossbowman. The process of aiming..firing..reloading..aiming..firing with a sniper crossbow takes close to 20 seconds, to further continue, shields completely negate crossbows (Which they should, its one of their main counters).

Crossbows (Especially the sniper crossbow) with added requirements that a hybrid can't effectively reach paired with a decreased reloading time would probably make a dedicated crossbow class a far more viable option.

Sounds good, people getting to the top with just a ranged weapon would, well, prompt everyone to go for one.
Couldn't you say the same about a 2H sword or ANY other weapon, I'm not sure why ranged classes should be punished and not have the same chance to be succeeded with.

Suggestions Corner / Re: -50% Upkeep for One Slot?
« on: January 28, 2011, 12:41:51 am »
I fully support the idea, I have a straw hat, linen tunic, heavy lance, and courser and can't afford to keep my courser "repaired".

Suggestions Corner / Re: Crossbow Needs love.
« on: January 27, 2011, 04:06:58 pm »
No, you don't. I am the OP, and I don't agree with you. I have two points to make.

First, you resurrected an old thread that no longer applies, as xbows have been altered since I first made this post.

Second, xbows are now balanced against heirlooming. If you heirloom a sniper xbow and steel bolts 3 times each, you will have something close to what the sniper xbow did pre-patch. This is acceptable, imo, since having a lot of wpf makes reload time on the sniper xbow bearable, and much better than it was pre-patch. This is also a way to limit melee people from having the one-shot sniper xbow so easily, since a melee character is less likely to focus on heirlooming xbow + bolts.

Is it a difficult, time-consuming process to be a dedicated xbowman who is able to snipe people with 1 shot? Sure.

However, the payoff is that unlike a dedicated archer, a dedicated xbowman can more easily be competent in melee. OR, if you didn't want to participate in melee at all, a dedicated xbowman could have higher athletics than an archer, being able to outrun pretty much anyone not on horseback.

Just a quick build off the top of my head:

Level 30, STR: 14, AGI: 27

Ironflesh: 1
Athletics: 9
Weapon Master: 9
181 xbow proficiency

ADHD Version: Xbows are ok now.

Well considering the thread was nine days old I supposed people didn't want a new one and sorry about the 100% agree thing. Maybe if people would read my actual suggestion instead of just seeing the "Buff crossbows" part of it they'd understand. I'll put it in bold caps so people will read it this time.


Suggestions Corner / Re: Crossbow Needs love.
« on: January 27, 2011, 04:07:29 am »
Learn to aim. Seriously.

I think what you want is a rifle (which a crossbow isn't, really). There are other games and even warband mods which feature rifles.

By the way, a lot of people would want to play a rifleman then.

Stop undermining what I have to say by telling me the typical "LRN2PLAYNUB". There is such thing as unbalance in this game, and crossbows just happen to be one of the underpowered weapons. And what the heck, really dude? Where did I ever say I want a rifle. I never said to remove gravity or reload time. A sniper crossbow with a 10 second reload time should be accurate, I never said I couldn't hit things at close range, and considering you're the one with the alt and I'm the one with the main who has a crossbow, go try it out a bit more buddy, Especially the Sniper crossbow.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Crossbow Needs love.
« on: January 27, 2011, 01:21:06 am »
What. One of my alts has a heavy crossbow (regular one). It's accurate enough for medium distance shooting.

Upkeep. A sniper+steel bolts is somewhere in the league of almost 20K. That's a hell of a lot to pay for a secondary weapon... for the same price and a tad extra you could upkeep transitional armor, for instance.

- It's fairly accurate
- It's quite damaging, and no, killing just about everyone in one hit would be bad.

Learn to aim. Shooting people who've obviously spotted you and are zigzaging is doing it wrong.

It's not messed up. It has significant drop, that's it - but it's fairly predictable. Of course hitting moving targets at long range is tricky, but I hope you're not suggesting that it should be easy to do (why?). It is fairly easy to hit people with it mid-range, where with good cover the crossbow is excellent.

A sniper crossbow's aim is trash and the spread of a sniper xbow shot is significant enough to make it impossible to actually snipe which is obviously its intended purpose with a 10 second reload time.

And the reason I brought up xbows being used as a secondary weapon is because most people use the cheaper  (5kish) light crossbow as one, which means it cant be super powerful as it only requires strength, this punishes dedicated xbow users, xbows should have more requirements to make it used by a dedicated class but the weapons should also receive a significant improvement

Suggestions Corner / Re: Crossbow Needs love.
« on: January 26, 2011, 11:27:18 pm »
I 100% agree with OP, ive been attempting to use a pure crossbow build and it's not even close to being a viable option. The innaccuracy is atrocious, im using a siege crossbow and it is an absolute joke. The fact that it is incredibly inaccurate, an extremely lengthy reload time, AND takes more then one hit means an extremely useless weapon.

My suggestions for making crossbow builds more viable it to first of all, add some extra requirement that prevents melee builds from taking it as a secondary weapon (Is it possible to add a certain amount of crossbow proficency to a weapon's requirements?). Second, either reduce the reload time significantly, OR increase the accuracy and damage. I mean shouldn't a "Sniper" crossbow be able to kill someone in one hit? Considering shields/zigzagging practically counters everything but a lucky shot I would say it's perfectly balanced.

Crossbows can't be used at range due to accuracy, crossbows can't be used at close range due to lack of damage, and medium range is pure luck. Crossbows VS an archer...WITH the crossbow being used behind cover, the archer STILL controls the fight because he can choose when to shoot while the crossbow simply hopes to get lucky with his one shot every 15 seconds.

So to sum it up..
-Make crossbows a primary weapon (Increasing it's requirements), NOT a secondary
-Reduce reload time, OR increase damage and accuracy

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