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Messages - Anhy

Pages: [1] 2 3
General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: February 20, 2014, 08:59:29 pm »
I'll try to make it as short as it is possible (trust me, the current situation isn't clear "black and white" at all and it's not easy to describe it laconically). Ukraine has the biggest territory in Europe and has about 45mil of population, quite obvious that not everyone has the same opinion. Due to some reasons (mostly historical) Ukraine is divided into 3 different populations (note that this is extremely stereotypical):

Western Ukrainians (Ukrainian nation mixed with Polish, Hungarian and minor Carpathian nationalities) are extremely active in current riot (and always were in pretty much any demonstrations) mostly because they have solid civil stance (I can describe it as an extreme patriotism, most of them are nationalists). They want Ukraine to get into EU as they connect themselves to EU more than to anything else. During the WW2 western Ukraine first fought for freedom against USSR with nаzis (there was a separate Ukrainian SS division and a lot of other collaboration reckon squads) and then against Nаzi  Germany and USSR. You can imagine how stubborn they are: they fought against USSR even 10 years after Nаzi Germany was defeated. The fact that these people fought for Nаzi Germany can't leave eastern Ukrainians' minds and they remind it in any situation they can. Here starts the first conflict between eastern and western Ukrainians: western Ukrainians consider their own actions during WW2 as the fight for freedom, eastern Ukrainians consider them nаzis  calling "Banderovets" (the follower of Bandera, one of the leaders in western Ukraine during WW2). Also these people speak exclusively Ukrainian (but most of them know Russian well). If you see guys with Molotov cocktail - it's probably western Ukrainians.

Eastern Ukrainians (Ukrainians mixed with western Russians, pure Russians and Tatars, eastern is just formal, this also contains the whole southern Ukraine): are mostly passive in everything and act more or less like Russians these days (no matter how bad things are - you're either afraid to show your opinion or you just eat it and carry on). Most of them are considered as low educated and bad mannered ignorant alcoholics of working class (called "bydlo" in Ukrainian), they were the main electorate of Yanukovich. They support "Russian way" as they consider Russians as closest brothers (and it's legit as a lot of them are Russians themselves), they respect Putin and hate Europe. Most of them don't speak Ukrainian at all, those who do - speak it hardly with a lot of mistakes that make no sense (the prime minister Azarov from Yanukovich team is a perfect example - his horrible Ukrainian became a local meme in Ukraine). Their amount in the riot is small, if you see a guy who wears fake chinese Adidas suit or an alcoholic bum fighting against the Maydan participants - it's most likely eastern Ukrainian.

Central Ukrainians (mostly original Ukrainians and a lot of other nations): golden middle between both other parts. Mostly don't support neither EU nor Russia, but if they had to decide - they would definitely pick EU. Most of them pick the neutral position (that fighting is bad no matter for what), consider both western and eastern Ukrainians too extreme in their thinking. If you see some random guys on Maydan just watching things/helping everyone - these are mostly central Ukrainians.

My own opinions is quite depressing as there is no viable way out of this situation:
1. Everyone hates Yanukovich for multiple reasons (he's a former bandit, he is dumb and he's not educated at all), he made everything to make it what it is now (at first he tried to smash the peaceful demonstration (some random students from Kiev having a march for joining EU) with the police but he failed => demonstration became aggressive, people from Western Ukraine came => he says that Ukraine will join EU, it's just the matter of time => people became less aggressive => he takes money from Putin (like $10 billions), tries to smash them again again and fails even harder => tries to make Maydan starve over time and almost succeed but then his team tries to push some completely retarded tyrant laws, prime minister Azarov who was the biggest fan of Russian and was completely against EU runs with money to Austria with his family (lel) => people start hating Yanukovich and his team even more and come back to Maydan => he retracts laws but there is no way back already, he takes some more money from Putin again and tries to smash Maydan once again)
2. Leaders of the opposite side are not much better (Yatsenyuk is a guy who will betray Ukraine for his own profit in the very first possible situation, Tyahnybok is an obvious nаzi who will chase all the eastern population with special hatred, Klitschko is a good boxer but a bad politician who'll get a bad team that will decide everything for him)
3. Ukrainian people got stuck between the hammer (Russia) and the anvil (EU). Russia dreams about getting Crimea and eastern Ukraine (well, it's hard to believe but a lot of Russians don't mind to get a part of so called "brotherland"), while EU is afraid of Ukraine getting disbanded and having civil war on its borders with all the consequences (refugees, bio-chemical-radioactive contamination and all the shit that's still in Ukraine)

All in all, I don't support the current riot. I clearly believe that once the first Molotov cocktail was thrown in the crowd of policemen - Berkut had to open fire using full metal jacket bullets just to stop what it is happening now. But instead of that Berkut was beating women and unarmed students lying on the ground. Hopefully it doesn't grow into a wide civil war, otherwise I'll be mobilized as Ukrainian infantry officer to suppress my own nation.
выебу тебя петух, за восточную украину.

Scene Editing / Re: Slezkh Castle (Strategus)
« on: January 16, 2013, 12:25:00 am »
kingrimm failed хпхпхпхпхпхпх

General Off Topic / Re: History of great battle
« on: December 16, 2012, 02:02:45 pm »
Its perfect work. Great win!

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Flag cheat
« on: December 16, 2012, 12:27:16 pm »
Nice video

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Flag cheat
« on: December 16, 2012, 03:20:06 am »
I think. you team lose this batlle. But you have very hard Batrudinov of your ass.
Cry more cry, skill players, top playes of crpg and strategus.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Flag cheat
« on: December 16, 2012, 03:03:18 am »

Strategus General Discussion / Re: POLL ! Wanted security in Strategus.
« on: November 04, 2012, 04:26:40 pm »

Strategus General Discussion / Re: POLL ! Wanted security in Strategus.
« on: November 04, 2012, 04:16:14 pm »
Gingerpussy - visitors can't see pics , please register or login

up need update

Announcements / Re: New Server (EU)
« on: June 05, 2012, 09:26:08 am »
where is double xp?  :cry:

Announcements / Re: New Server (EU) [EU1 XP/gold doubled]
« on: June 04, 2012, 11:35:00 pm »
give me battles 150x150!!11111

Closed Requests / Re: UNBAN ME
« on: June 04, 2012, 08:03:28 pm »
Ajan10 - Date Registered: Today at 16:54:07
devl67 -  Date Registered: Today at 17:25:04

unban me
ohh... Unban me ALL!! I want it!!!! ALL! UNBAN ME ALL!!!111

i think, need permanent ban.

Sparta Valek its a epic warrior (duracki russki) visitors can't see pics , please register or login

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