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Messages - Cain

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
NA (Official) / Unban request.
« on: October 09, 2014, 10:32:37 pm »
I've been messing up quite a bit lately, so I've decided to take it easy on the drinking while I play.  I don't even get frustrated, in my stupor I just forget that it might bother someone else when I fuck around with them.

General Discussion / Re: i love ya!
« on: October 05, 2014, 11:54:57 am »
i get so lonely i could die!

General Discussion / i love ya!
« on: October 05, 2014, 11:53:04 am »
Hey folks! We are more fun than most! :)

NA (Official) / Re: convenient
« on: September 22, 2014, 10:58:54 am »
In my defense I thought we were just fucking about.

NA (Official) / Re: convenient
« on: September 22, 2014, 10:46:07 am »
Ok ya I didn't see the big deal at the time but I can see what you had to do.

NA (Official) / Re: convenient
« on: September 22, 2014, 10:25:40 am »
Not that I doubt you completely I would just like to see some logs.

NA (Official) / Re: convenient
« on: September 22, 2014, 10:10:15 am »
Oh btw I'm so happy you could contribute sparv. :)

NA (Official) / Re: convenient
« on: September 22, 2014, 10:07:41 am »
Could I see the logs I would like to know wtf was going on even just for that moment.

NA (Official) / Re: convenient
« on: September 22, 2014, 09:52:23 am »
Bullshit. I will need some proof.

NA (Official) / Re: convenient
« on: September 22, 2014, 09:45:51 am »
So you have been sober this whole time and thought you may have been joking around with someone but apparently they didn't think so...

NA (Official) / Re: convenient
« on: September 22, 2014, 09:35:50 am »
Just saying I didn't do it on purpose. I was banned recently so I was trying to be extra careful.

NA (Official) / Re: convenient
« on: September 22, 2014, 09:34:45 am »
Was it possible it was an accident?

NA (Official) / Re: convenient
« on: September 22, 2014, 09:22:36 am »
I will message you personally  Jeade everytime I see something that goes wrong... you might not like how often it happens.

NA (Official) / convenient
« on: September 22, 2014, 09:14:54 am »
That's a bunch a bullshit, you only got on that one time? you didn't see me helping my team the many hours before? I fucking love my team every time... even if I did decided to play around whats wrong with that I see you assholes let tons of people get away with it.

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