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Messages - Lyndis

Pages: [1]
Faction Halls / Re: [Ninja] Clan & the Ninja-Guide (apply here!)
« on: January 20, 2011, 07:08:26 pm »
Hey Guys!

I've seen some of your number while I've been playing and they always seemed to be playing in a style I liked; flanking, supporting each other and not charging straight into fights. The overall look of your clan on the battlefield is something I like the look of and the idea of being a battlefield Ninja made me register on the forums to try and find out more about the play style.

Naturally, the call of the Ninja has lead me here, and although I have not yet begun to tread the path, this is my first step in the right direction. I am fully aware of the risks I will face and the challenges involved, but I think I'm up to the task.

I am a very new player, meaning I DO get killed a lot, I don't understand game terms/abbreviation and I have no clue as to what half the skills and attributes count towards, however, I think this is a good thing.

I'm willing to learn the arts of the Ninja and become a better player with your help and I don't have any previous habits or preferences holding me back. I don't prefer to wear heavy armour because I've never owned any, I don't have a problem with retiring early to rebuild my character to be more Ninjary and I will do my best to help make the Ninja Clan cause even more fear into the hearts of it's opponents.

Respectfully hoping you consider my application, even though I am still an unpolished chunk of obsidian wishing to be chipped and sharpened into a dark Ninja star.


(I haven't added any character stats or equipment because I would prefer to start afresh with a new build, I hope this isn't an issue. Also, I apologise for the semi-role played application)

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