« on: August 13, 2018, 09:10:42 pm »
Already played this for a couple hundred hours long ago, I have checked in periodically but ultimately it is still the massive time drain it always has been, in fact it felt worse the last time I played it. The actual ship to ship combat is fantastic and there is nothing else like it when it comes to accuracy and realism, but in most cases you'll have no fun when you spend hours sailing just to even have a small chance of finding a decent fight sometimes and rarely what you could call a fair fight, mostly ganks. PVP aside, the rest of the game has failed IMO, they've made plenty of changes since I first played but I can honestly say none of them have made the game that much better. Plus the game is pretty much dominated by the neck beards that have been no-lifing it for several years now. I will probably drop back in to test it again in the future but I would warn anyone to stay away unless they have a lot of free time to devote to it.