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Messages - Leesin

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 149
General Off Topic / Re: Chinese flu - Doomsday 2020
« on: April 04, 2020, 09:42:33 pm »
It's chaos in the UK, the media isn't showing it, I had 2 fights with my neighbour today and across the street one neighbour killed another. My neighbour is fighting me because he knows I have a 480 bag of Yorkshire Tea and he's run out.

General Off Topic / Re: Netflix to Produce The Witcher TV Series
« on: July 24, 2019, 05:47:41 pm »
Didn't look anything special to me and after realising the writers are female any expectations I had vanished, those costumes are fucking horrendous and I bet the whole thing is going to be some cuck feminist bullshit, Henry Cavill was quite clearly chosen because he is a handsome gentleman and not because he is going to be a decent Geralt. Fuck this show.

... and all the other things floating around out there / Re: Mordhau
« on: July 24, 2019, 05:43:30 pm »
007 deserves to die in that particular way, if not for English clinging to their great past that silly movie wouldnt be in production for past 3 decades or even more. It literally stopped being relevant 40 years ago, sometimes in the 1980s.

Today we have meme heroes like John Wick, we dont need some britmy old friend pretending Empire on which Sun never sets is still a thing.

God save the Queen you preposterous bundle of sticks of gigantic proportions

Yeah I was disappointed when I watched the game play but I can't say I am surprised lol, definitely not a project for such an inexperienced/unproven team. Some things looked ok but so much else was bad that I doubt they're going to improve it enough to make it decent. The animations for opening/going through doors really bugged me too for some reason lol.

... and all the other things floating around out there / Re: Mordhau
« on: June 16, 2019, 05:13:11 pm »

Ran across the best Chivalry duelist and one of the best Mordhau duelists and triggered him a little bit

And it won't be single life, but I keep hearing Chivalry's Team Objective was amazing and they want to copy that, so we'll see.

Fucking lol, calling you retarded and brain dead for beating him, please tell me who this guy is so I can troll him in the future  :D.

... and all the other things floating around out there / Re: Mordhau
« on: April 29, 2019, 06:19:01 pm »

game looks clunky af

Wtf lol, all the other gameplay videos I've seen didn't show it looking this clunky, they really hand picked that footage, awkward, clunky and sluggish looking.

I miss diablo 2. If it didn't delete characters after a certain time I likely would have continued to play.

I still play it like once a year for a couple weeks or so, nothing else beats it in that genre overall IMO. Diablo 3 is not a bad game but I definitely wouldn't say it's a good Diablo game, I got bored of it fairly quickly too and have no desire to ever play it again. Shame they've pretty much confirmed the death of the series with this shitty chinese mobile game lol.

General Off Topic / Re: Netflix to Produce The Witcher TV Series
« on: September 10, 2018, 10:09:51 pm »
I wish there was some fucking contract or clause that disallowed them from changing details like that. Changing a main characters race to anything but White just because PC SJW bullshit is fucking pathetic, there is no real reason to do it, it's just to please any soft cunts who can't handle the fact The Witcher is based in a place where everyone is fucking White, just like the majority of Europe would have been back then. The same pathetic queers who cried about Kingdom Come being so White. They've been crying about things being "white washed" for years but suddenly it's ok to make white characters non-white just to please SJWs. Fuck this planet.

LMG velocity is an issue IMO, most of the other guns seem OK for the ranges they're supposed to be used at but I think a general rebalance is needed to really get more acceptable velocities, the rifles have decent velocity already though. BF games have always had slower bullet velocities for certain guns though so I am not sure how they are going to approach it this time if they do change it at all. I like the limited ammo, there are ammo points to restock from and a support class to keep your team going, as well as collecting ammo and stuff that you walk over. It actually makes having support classes more valuable as he can keep everyone's primary weapon in action and punishes players who only want to play Rambo ( unless they are support themselves ). You have more ammo for secondary weapon because if you have no means of getting ammo for a short time, at least you have enough for your backup weapon to perhaps keep you alive.

I think the guns feel good aside from the imbalanced bullet velocities, shooting feels much better than BF1 at least. Guns feel like they pack more punch although I think the LMG needs to retain more damage at long ranges.

General Discussion / Re: solution to ranged problem
« on: September 07, 2018, 04:19:33 pm »
The ranged problem can be solved by removing the AI archers from DTV, seeing as that's the only thing people play in this ded mod

Already played this for a couple hundred hours long ago, I have checked in periodically but ultimately it is still the massive time drain it always has been, in fact it felt worse the last time I played it. The actual ship to ship combat is fantastic and there is nothing else like it when it comes to accuracy and realism, but in most cases you'll have no fun when you spend hours sailing just to even have a small chance of finding a decent fight sometimes and rarely what you could call a fair fight, mostly ganks. PVP aside, the rest of the game has failed IMO, they've made plenty of changes since I first played but I can honestly say none of them have made the game that much better.  Plus the game is pretty much dominated by the neck beards that have been no-lifing it for several years now. I will probably drop back in to test it again in the future but I would warn anyone to stay away unless they have a lot of free time to devote to it.

The game's netcode and combat system were already broken, imagine how bad it is now with directional blocking :lol: It's a shame though, could have been a fun game if they were able to get the core gameplay somewhat stable.

Yeah if there's one thing this game needed it definitely isn't 3 directional blocking  :lol:

General Off Topic / Re: Warband Singeplayer as a merchant
« on: July 26, 2018, 12:33:44 pm »
Sounds really gay

General Discussion / Re: To my dear british friends!
« on: July 15, 2018, 04:44:31 pm »
well, you're shit talking to the wrong guy cuz I supported England in the tournament  :lol: I hate the anti-England circle jerk. Even Turks try to make fun of the English even though we haven't been in a world cup since 2002.

Also, how can you hate this guy

(click to show/hide)

Good guy slab-head, forehead like the side of a barn lol. I'm used to it, I just assume everyone is anti-england until they say otherwise  :lol:.

General Discussion / Re: Lets Populate Eu Again!
« on: July 15, 2018, 08:34:33 am »
Let's not, I am waiting patiently for Bannerlords release somewhere within the next 30 years to never.

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