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Messages - Ocelot

Pages: [1]
Closed Requests / Unban Request - Sir_Ocelot
« on: July 25, 2011, 03:41:49 am »
Last night, I logged into a favorited DTV server to find total chaos. I was upset that the TKing was taking place, as I have come to enjoy defending that haggard-looking virgin.

After twenty or so minutes of putting up with the madness, I had come to find that there was indeed a problem with either the server or the game type. As curiosity mounted, I asked what was going on. Names escape me, but someone assured me that there was a glitch. I didn't find out what was happening until a few maps later, after becoming severely distressed at the quick round changes and lack of bots.

Eventually, someone slipped up and told me the full details of the exploit. At this moment, buzzed as I was, I didn't think of the repercussions for such an action. I continued to play into the chaotic team-killing frenzy for quite some time. After newcomers made their way into the fray, over the course of a couple hours, I did let them know what was going on. I even attempted to correct their mistakes as they tried to help or even leech from the exploit (for up to an hour, each), as many of them did (despite the contents of their unban requests).

For all of this, I am ashamed. I had no reason to be manipulating the community like I was. The only thing in my mind--as I was intoxicated--this would reimburse me for the countless DTV rounds I had endured for nearly no pay at all. Yes, daddy needed a new pair of boots (check the log). I exploited, I made a mistake. I am now aware that it is our duty to ensure fairness among players; not only to eradicate cheating and 'derping', but to prevent a good modification from sinking into depravity like so many other games have done.

I hope that I have not been made an example of misbehavior.

Good night, all.


Faction Halls / Re: [Ninja] Clan & the Ninja-Guide (apply here!)
« on: January 24, 2011, 05:14:26 am »
Let's get the rest of our new members into our teamspeak3 channel more often!
Port: 7500

Faction Halls / Re: [Ninja] Clan & the Ninja-Guide (apply here!)
« on: January 19, 2011, 05:36:31 pm »
Hey, guys.

When I first read this thread, I decided to continue building my character towards something that relies on speed and wit. I actually began to dress and play like you guys.

It wasn't until I met Ninja_Snowflake in-game that I found out that this guild is legitimately active and fun. We talked for a good amount of time on TeamSpeak3, him helping me rebuild my character from retirement so as to best suit the ninja style (with emphasis on 2h rather than throwing), and also giving me a few other tips.

May I join your ranks and continue my training?

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