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Messages - Carmelites_Jajko

Pages: [1]
Suggestions Corner / Re: Add this for Nordmens!
« on: September 26, 2011, 04:35:06 pm »
The equipment you want to see in cRPG is very beautiful.  It's realistic and suitable to Nordmens and all the vikings playing this mod.
All the elements are looking better than these which we're playing every day.  :)

I fell in love with sami knife. I really would like to cut bread using it. Well cut bread is good looking with a butter on it.  :D

(Sorry for my nick, I'm Nord_Iskra)

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Gold??
« on: January 28, 2011, 01:43:04 pm »
I was always dreaming about Cataphract Horse. You is a horse with heavy armour. It costs over 44 k gold. Since yesterday I have been playing with peasant gear with only war darts to throw.
I have already earned over 35 k gold, and I have a question: what will happen if I will use on battle only cataphract horse and peasant gear with war darts and Long arming sword? Will I be loosing money? Or should I spend gold for something different than that horse?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Gold??
« on: January 21, 2011, 06:50:57 pm »
Oh, impossible is that the limit is 47 500 gold !
My equipment costs over 35 000 gold and I cannot earn money  if I'm full armoured on the serwer! Every match, when something is damaged I pay a lot of gold ! Mostly it is even 800 gold!  With this I must put off  a part of my heavy armour, then equipment costs about 26 000 gold! Then it is able to earn money although there isn't much of it. And my main question is : If I would like to wear my full complete armour on battle, what should I do to earn money and have always money to repair items? What are you doing for this? I tried to earn money by being naked peasant, but when I was always putting on my armour again, I was still loosing gold to repair items. For example I had earned 5000 gold and after few rounds I had only about 300 gold. What can I do to stabilize all costs?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Horse archery - Tips
« on: January 21, 2011, 06:41:50 pm »
I hate horse archers, I'm horse crossbowman

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Gold??
« on: January 21, 2011, 01:17:54 pm »
So, what is the gold limit ? How many  maximum gold may cost my equipment to make me able to earn money to have more gold?

Closed Requests / Re: Please, unban Carmelites_Jajko
« on: January 19, 2011, 07:18:06 pm »
Thank you a lot. ;) I hope I will have a chance to save your life at the battlefield one day. :D

Closed Requests / Re: Please, unban Carmelites_Jajko
« on: January 19, 2011, 06:15:06 pm »
So I will be unbaned tomorrow in the same time of day I was banned?

Closed Requests / Please, unban Carmelites_Jajko
« on: January 19, 2011, 12:53:15 pm »
Hi all !
 I play cRPG for 3 days as a Carmelites_Jajko. I was very disappointed when the costs of repairing an equipment was too big. I thought I would earn some money by beeing naked. Three days ago I was kicked for this, but today I was naked with sword. I don't understand why I was banned "permanently". Nobody warned me. I remember I was angry because one of admins was changing maps every about third or second round of match. But still I didn't get any caution. Please, unban me on EU CRPG serwers. If you know why I was banned, please tell me, because I don't understand it.  Admin called Little_Lilith banned me. ;(

I hope you will unban me. Then I will correct my behaviour. Give me a chance. Accept my apologise if I have done something stupid.

PS. Maybe my english isn't spoken well, but I'm still learning.  :(

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