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Messages - BlueGreen

Pages: [1]
But even when i make goods and play crpg and sell them at the same time my money isnt moving and i cant keep that up. My army upkeep is too much. I rely on long distance trades with loads of goods to keep me afloat/profit and i accidentally plunged from 5k to 66 gold.

Im no gonna be playing crpg till later tommmorow i have plans :P gahhh such bad timing; i cant be managing this crap right now; i think im gonna have to rebuild my army after i lose it to upkeep (which sucks). Its a shame u cant at least resell your stuff for 80% of what u paid to craft it or something.

Strategus General Discussion / Help I accindetally broke myself on strat
« on: November 26, 2011, 05:21:15 pm »
i accindeally burned all my money when i left a craft on horses on strat; now i have a large army and no money to make trade goods and no time to move and sell before i go into bankruptcy.

Help im about to lose all my army and I dont think i can do anything; when I tried to sell a horse or two it took my horses off me and gave me 0 gold. SHame i have to lose days of troop crafting just because i made too much of something.

I dont have time to play much either besides a few hundred gold isnt gonna get me out of this.

Diplomacy / Re: Declaration of allegiance: Desert Alliance
« on: November 07, 2011, 05:30:42 pm »
Hi my faction is BlueStar can i please join the Desert Alliance? thanks :)

Ok i apologise then I thought the chadz text related to crafting skill or something

Hmm well im not sure whether this is so much a bug or a feature; but I heirloomed blue blue arena helmet a while back and despite changing towns and castles quite a few times since then it remains a unheirloomed helmet for crafting in strategus. Also my spirited cataphract horse isnt available to craft at all.

I hope this hasnt been mentioned before I quickly looked through for it; kinda sux if u cant craft your newer heirloomed stuff though.

Events & Tournaments / Re: Jousting tournament 5th of June, 6 GMT
« on: June 05, 2011, 08:43:42 pm »
Nevermind i guess i shoulda rechecked the start of the post; i had assumed there was no password because i was on the server without one before.

Events & Tournaments / Re: Jousting tournament 5th of June, 6 GMT
« on: June 05, 2011, 08:39:17 pm »
Well i lost connection earlier and then wasnt able to get back on for ages because it was passworded.

So after waiting for ages and giving up i try again later and theres loads of ppl on it and its still passworded grrr...

Events & Tournaments / Re: Jousting tournament 5th of June, 6 GMT
« on: June 02, 2011, 08:00:25 pm »
Heya ok I will be in the event thanks :)

General Discussion / Re: Iron Flesh needs some love!
« on: January 18, 2011, 03:46:51 am »
Yeah i fully support this

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