Faction Halls / Re: [FIDLGB] - F**k It Dude, Let's Go Bowling (Recruiting NA)
« on: June 04, 2012, 11:05:30 pm »
Why do you want to join Fuck It Dude, Let's Go Bowling? I've never been in a crpg clan before and FIDLGB seems like a fun clan. I met brontosaurus and he seemed fun.
What is your current build? My horse crossbowman is 10/24 with 7 athletics 8 riding 3 iron flesh 4 horse archery and 3 powerstrike(level 30 skip the fun). Going to start a shielder with my main which I just retired on.
What generation is your main? 2nd
How old are you? 15
Are you able to shut up and listen to instructions during battles? Yes
When are you active on cRPG/Strategus? Every 2nd week Im super active (parents divorced, one has a good pc other doesn't). But im getting a new pc soon which should fix that problem.
Where are you based in the world (NA/EU)? NA
Do you have Teamspeak and a microphone? Yes, no mic
What is your current build? My horse crossbowman is 10/24 with 7 athletics 8 riding 3 iron flesh 4 horse archery and 3 powerstrike(level 30 skip the fun). Going to start a shielder with my main which I just retired on.
What generation is your main? 2nd
How old are you? 15
Are you able to shut up and listen to instructions during battles? Yes
When are you active on cRPG/Strategus? Every 2nd week Im super active (parents divorced, one has a good pc other doesn't). But im getting a new pc soon which should fix that problem.
Where are you based in the world (NA/EU)? NA
Do you have Teamspeak and a microphone? Yes, no mic