General Discussion / Re: Stream: Siedge of Jemeyyed Castle
« on: February 14, 2016, 05:46:11 pm »
Shame on you, Pandor! You ruined our perfect reputation!
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I hope the white walkers kill everyone and win.Exactly my thoughts after seeing Cercei's scene(I wished that she'd order to kill everyone on the street right after she entered the castle). Fucking brainless religious mob! And I was hoping so much to see John's eyes turn blue so he would rape everyone in the castle with his valyrian dick.
Why dont you lock it? Im curious to see what will happen then.Probably this will end the conflict. Russia & Ukraine will be BFF again, but:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_involving_the_United_StatesRed Stick Creek
washingtonpost is the same as lifenewshttp://www.gazeta.ru/politics/news/2014/05/28/n_6186953.shtml
yeah true they are afraid of hurting the civilian population, so instead of using firearms they use artellery, rockets and heavy machine guns on helicopters and on APCThe Russian strategy in 1999 was to hold back tanks and armored personnel carriers and subject the entrenched Chechens to an intensive heavy artillery barrage and aerial bombardment before engaging them with relatively small groups of infantry, many with prior training in urban warfare. In a destructive move which was very dangerous to civilians (officially they were Russian citizens), the Russian forces relied heavily on ballistic missiles (SCUD, OTR-21 Tochka) and fuel air explosives. (The TOS-1, a multiple rocket launcher with thermobaric weapon warheads, played a particularly prominent role in the assault).
So you absolutely believe to new authorities in Kiev?Why should I? I support them, but it doesn't mean that they are angels. They are just better that separatists. But you posted this Russia Today crap(& this time RT really shitted their reputation), If you believe him, then you are probably as crazy as he.
But Segd, do you think he is lying about deathes?"Think"? lol. I bet, he's telling 100% bullshit. Crazy man tells you about 272 dead & 200+ wounded & you just believe him? Cmon, he is definitely brain-damaged. I would believe him only if he'll give 100% proofs of his words.
Just for information: Head of the Odessa republic said that 2 of may 247 people were killed and new authorities in Kiev are guilty of it and they hide the factsHead of the Odessa republic my ass.(click to show/hide)
On the relevant topic tough - the scenario is boring and witnessed at lease once in Crimea, plus to some extent. Apparently separatists are already asking to be added to russia... wonder how the "majority" argument works this time. Even putler seems somewhat reserved as to recognizing this farce of a referendum as a real thing...I like the fact that Putin used "must save Russian ppl" excuse to send unmarked troops & annex Crimea when there was no tiny threat from mythical Bandera\Right sector.
Dunno about Monsanto. They may be pioneering, but I'm not sure about the patenting of lifeforms...Well, they need some money to feed their genetic modified families & Because of some greentards in governments introducing new food modifications is huge pain in the ass. Years of tests & tons of money just to approve rice that will save millions of children, for example.
I'm sure I've said it before, but humans really should have at least colonised the Moon by now, looking solely at the technology we have collectively discovered.I blame religion & Greenpeace(cause of cloning & Monsanto hate)