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Messages - Mosquito

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Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Best 2H Sword
« on: August 09, 2012, 12:21:31 am »
try them all and then go back to German GS. When you play on battle and get run down by lots of horses you'll learn to love stabbing more.

*PS i'm one of the noobs who run in stab and run out* it only works if enemy let you, all they need to do is stand together and block, but get a bunch of ppl together and logic goes out of window:)

But seriously German GS is really good allrounder, i bought it because it looks like the Templar sword from film Ironclad originally (i'm fickle like that) but its very good. Best way is wait until i die, which doesn't usually take long and pick up mine and try it out :P

General Discussion / Re: Adjust the new scoresystem slightly - Feedback
« on: August 07, 2012, 10:44:20 pm »
i didn't like the really heavy proximity weighted bonus, it was too much. Now its gone and immediately people have spread out more. It seems that it is extremely possible to influence playstyle with smallish tweaks even to something that is only an illustration and doesn't actually decide whether you are more less likely to win or lose.

Would it be possible for a bastardised proximity bonus? something that adds a small percentage to the existing damage points if they are scored within 4m proximity of a certain amount of your teammates? This would only be to the ppl that actually score the damage though, no 'splash area points'? I think taking the problem in reverse will still make 'battelines be formed' and indeed it should and i would intend that it does still reward skilled players that are the ones actually doing the damage/killing the enemy as this is indeed the point of the game. For example Chase is in the middle of a shieldwall vs sheildwall encounter surrounded by at least 33% of his teams remaining players and he hits Nuuk on the other team in the face. I would like to see him get his damage points as they are already allocated plus a small amount (maybe just an arbitary +1point if it would be simpler) because he is in the middle of the action helping his team. Next time Nuuk sneaks around his enemy and slays several of their isolated archers easily on his own, while Nuuk should be rewarded for the damage as now if he isn't within the 4m proximity of a certain % of HIS team his kills gains no additional team bonus.

Maybe it wouldn't be possible? but i think it would still encourage good players to work in their team but wouldn't also encourage proximity leaching? What do you guys think?
*the ppl and places represented in this story are entirely fictional and used for illustrative purposes only**sorry Chase and Nuuk*

General Discussion / Re: Why do we even need upkeep anymore?
« on: August 05, 2012, 02:35:44 am »
if you don't lose multi you shouldn't pay ANY upkeep, i know some will say it just ups the stakes but winning should be profitable (game doesn't let us loot the dead :twisted:)

i agree that a problem is being created by long standing players having so much cash that they can just shrug off upkeep and use whatever they like; this seems to defeat the object of upkeep. Stop the unrealistic mechanism of 'selling loompoints' problem solved and back to even playing field and no substantial barrier to entry for new players!. Long standing players already have a bonus to xp gain, thats enough.

When a new player asks the community what they should be heirlooming at first generation and the overwhelming advice is that 'they shouldn't but they should sell their loompoint' it should be pretty clear that something isn't working properly with the game's economy.

Spam / Re: War of the Roses
« on: March 13, 2012, 06:30:14 pm »
I saw today that you will have your own coat of arms that you can specify (much like the heraldic versions of armour in crpg i guess)

I will be a Yorkist (white Rose county).

Many of the battlefields in this area are from war of roses era and my local castle was the place where Richard II was murdered.

General Discussion / Re: A fue Named ricky (apology letter)
« on: March 13, 2012, 05:24:49 pm »
I don't understand what you are sorry about Ricky?

General Discussion / Re: Blocking Tips?
« on: March 12, 2012, 10:11:28 pm »
pick something you like to play is most important because its gonna be boring learning anything

i went to the duel servers alot and i was lucky enough to find someone willing to show how to fight with wooden practice sword.........i'm still crappy, but that aint their fault its mine.

I went back today and there were practice swords:) seems the good traditions continue....awwww, what a lovely community we have :twisted:

General Discussion / Re: Horse
« on: March 11, 2012, 01:11:58 pm »
You seem to want feminine, soft names, try some flowers:

Honsysuckle socks
Bluebell ears
Daisy mane
Snowdrop tail

Not very good for a Stallion Warhorse maybe more suited for a little girl's pony, just my opinion :D

General Discussion / Re: okiN's bookmaking
« on: February 18, 2012, 03:40:10 pm »
You would probably be well advised to 'pick your fights' here ie decide your own markets well in advance and don't allow ppl to give you a 'good opportunity' for a book, that way you can get some advance interest in the event/market and also lets you get ahead of the crowd doing your homework on the field.

Have you decided the first event you will cover yet Okin?

General Discussion / Re: Dear devs...
« on: February 16, 2012, 12:40:33 am »
There seem to have been a few of these posts recently where everyone generally agrees that more teamwork would be nice, I would say that the mob value results imo.

There aren't natural leaders for the clanless to follow so we follow the blob and hope:)

Joker i would ask do you try to lead your team sometimes? (i do agree that game isn't optimised with best tools to allow anyone to do so) as ppl stepping  forward is what it will take to promote some form of commander system and is from my observation something that barring a few well known exceptions doesn't happen nearly often enough.

Be brave, have a go, ppl might just  follow your commands.......if you win:)

I was personally sad that 300 existed. They were about to start making a HISTORICAL movie on Thermopylae. Based on a book I read a while ago, called Gates of Fire (Steven Pressfield). But they decided not to make it and went with 300 instead  :|

But yes, there is no need to look so in depth into a movie like that. Most people take it as face value, entertainment. They don't see anything else, and I'd personally rather look at it that way to. There is such a thing as over analysing something and I fear that is what's happening here.

I read that book too Overdriven, it paints a more balanced picture of Spartan life from an helot's PoV if i remember right?

300 was a joke, all about making the Spartans americanized. The Spartans weren't very nice, had a seriously brutal social system which , kept slaves,  and annually declared war on said slaves using their 'secret police'......hhhmm nice role models. I put it in the same folder as 'Team America world police' as a film, was entertaining though:)

Someone mentioned early in the thread another older Thermopylae film, i think it was called' Leonidas' or similar.

Ironclad was my choice too, i bought another film on the same day and i think it might have appeal for some of cRPGs Rus fans - Iron lord (about Yaroslav one of founders of Russia apparently) was hard for me to follow in subtitles since i didn't know the historical setting, some good scenes in it though.

Historical Discussion / Re: Long Bow Penetration study
« on: February 15, 2012, 12:21:48 am »
Anyone interested in the longbow typically used by the English and Welsh longbowmen should search out the book 'Secrets of the English War bow' by Hugh D.H.Soar. This book looks at the subject from numerous angles, including range and penetration of several armour types with numerous arrowhead types including bodkins. Its a good read and also looks at construction issues, availability of the English Yew for instance and substitution of inferior materials.

They also look at the effect of shooting at a 'charging horse' with a longbow.

General Discussion / Re: Mount&Blade2 Alpha footage
« on: February 14, 2012, 11:37:03 am »
I knew it! that donkey photo looked too 'photoshopped'. Thanks for the confirmation.

There is always some sort of conspiracy going on, just need to look hard enough:)

General Discussion / Re: Mount&Blade2 Alpha footage
« on: February 14, 2012, 12:38:10 am »
Can anyone confirm (someone who understands the language perhaps) that the guy speaking in the clip is infact chadz? in disguise maybe?

Events & Tournaments / Re: 104th Mount and musket excursion today
« on: February 12, 2012, 10:01:52 pm »
Anyone thought of taking this MM line battle approach to cRPG (it may have happened already sometime in the past i don't know, hence the question)?

What i mean is organised (some would say over-regimented) collection of clans provide members to fulfill specific functions on battlefield for a 'set-piece' battle on a specially selected/created map. Each section commanded by thier own leadership with an overall 'king, duke, baron' commanding.

Maybe it steps on Strategus toes or is too similar? Its fun in MM but the big numbers make it laggy at times i guess, not sure how it would play in cRPG


General Discussion / Re: Can somebody pls stop this madness?
« on: February 12, 2012, 09:51:29 pm »
Is problem here that ppl are allowed to swap and change their banner each game? stop that and it would eliminate most of these whines? a banner is for life, not just christmas ie it should be same lvl as a name change for adding a clan tag not just a whim.

Why would a MERC or Byzantium clan member ever WANT to change their banner its goddam unpatriotic! (or something) and really should get you kicked out of any selfrespecting clan i would think? what sort of message are you sending out to the community if you would happily drop your colours just to gain a multiplier?

note:MERC & Byzantium just an example of 2 pre-eminent clans on server (EU1) that i play on most, i'm not suggesting that their members do switch banners(also i can almost spell their names)

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