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Messages - Gannicus

Pages: [1]

To Gannicus of Acre! You have been noticed by your captain as a potential Crusader! You will have the chance to become a Crusader Man at Arms this Saturday! Congratulations on your promotion.

And in other news... Steam!
All members must register a Steam account and join the Crusaders of Acre group.

Thank you for giving me an opportunity to prove myself worthy infront of you my king.  :)

Forum Name: Gannicus
In-game Name: Gannicus
Do you have TS3? Yes
How long are you usually on a day/week? i have Playtime past 2 weeks: 21.3h on warband
What other clans have you been in (if none leave blank)? none in cRPG but in Mount and musket if that counts
References (clan members who recruited you. If none leave blank): Crusader Timotheus, Timo

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