General Discussion / If you buy plate, you're a special boy
« on: January 30, 2011, 06:37:35 am »
Utterly useless
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This sentence is obsolete, and said a million time, is this your only answer to improve the fun and gameplay of other players?
1handers have a shield, a lot of 2handers and polearm have a shield, we even see archers with a shield... (are they traitors?)
Yeah but all the 2h elitists view shielders as scrub no-skill players so that'll never happen.
[IRL arguments coming]Well you're right that mail was the dominant armor. Plate was just too expensive to make. Also, it wasn't very heavy. Battle plate armor would only weigh about 50 pounds, lighter than modern infantry loadouts. Plate wearers were still quite agile on the battlefield and could easily run down archers. Only time you ever see those big heavy ass plate is in jousts, since the idea is 100% protection as nobody wants to die in a lowly joust instead of glorious battle!
Actually at that time plate wasnt that dominant. Longbow was very effective against mail, not plate. Plate at that time was very thick and heavy. Horses also were mostly unarmored. When later on Battle of Vernuil came abouts it was the first time effective plate against longbows was on the field. There was a huge development in steel working. It was the lombard cavalry from milan. That armor was much lighter and they rode through the longbowmen also because it was light enough to protect alot of the horse.