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Messages - Tactics

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General Discussion / Re: HUGE Problem with autoblocking "hackers"
« on: March 04, 2016, 03:23:49 am »
yeah okay. sure. Stupid kids.

General Discussion / Re: HUGE Problem with autoblocking "hackers"
« on: March 04, 2016, 02:27:55 am »
I've played this Mod since Strat 2 and played both Warband and original mount and blade on the day they were released.
This auto blocking has got out of hand in terms of how many do it, Honestly, I am a good player, I might be a bit rusty, but some of this shit people are doing is completely and utterly impossible.
and Otto is confirmed to me as auto blocking, Too many times that I have seen him blocking 3-4 people who attack in different directions in quick succession and he blocks them all.
Maybe once, but not multiple times. and he isn't the only one.
I really think that if you truely believe that "Noone is hacking - you are just bad" then either you are dumb A F, or you are also hacking and trying to cover it.
Why not be honest, a lot of you will come here and completely deny it, even though you know you and others are hacking. Just stop being stupid kids, and play properly.

General Discussion / HUGE Problem with autoblocking "hackers"
« on: March 04, 2016, 02:05:33 am »
SO Basically.. I just feel a bit pissed. It seems like no matter whether it is Native, C-RPG, or any other mod there is a real issue with a large group of players using autoblocking software.
It really makes the game frustrating. and the worst part, they literally don't give a crap, because they are fully aware that there are a large group of people who also do it, and the group is so large that taking any action/banning them would result in perhaps 25% or more of the playerbase being taken away. (maybe not that high but it's certainly a large group, at least 10 active players every night when the servers are down to about 20-35 people.)
What im saying is, is it okay to use it then? should I just go ahead and install an autoblocker myself like these aresholes. I hate it so much, it is such a great game but a lackof decent anticheat and/or moderation is ruining the game in my opinion.
seriously. what can we do about it, Do people even care?
(I'm totally expecting a load of people to flame me for this, and tell me how noone hacks, and I am just a bad player etc etc)
but really, If you read this and you are "hacking" stop it. Your being a twat.

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