« on: March 04, 2016, 02:05:33 am »
SO Basically.. I just feel a bit pissed. It seems like no matter whether it is Native, C-RPG, or any other mod there is a real issue with a large group of players using autoblocking software.
It really makes the game frustrating. and the worst part, they literally don't give a crap, because they are fully aware that there are a large group of people who also do it, and the group is so large that taking any action/banning them would result in perhaps 25% or more of the playerbase being taken away. (maybe not that high but it's certainly a large group, at least 10 active players every night when the servers are down to about 20-35 people.)
What im saying is, is it okay to use it then? should I just go ahead and install an autoblocker myself like these aresholes. I hate it so much, it is such a great game but a lackof decent anticheat and/or moderation is ruining the game in my opinion.
seriously. what can we do about it, Do people even care?
(I'm totally expecting a load of people to flame me for this, and tell me how noone hacks, and I am just a bad player etc etc)
but really, If you read this and you are "hacking" stop it. Your being a twat.