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Messages - Bryggan

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Bryggan of course

package sent ✔

General Discussion / Re: What is everyone up to?
« on: July 09, 2020, 12:30:57 am »
I am spending most of my days moaning about how awful Bannerlord currently is.

Unfortunately NA doesn't have any servers right now, so I can't even beg people to play for a bit.  I tried a strat battle awhile back and got quite a few players, but it bugged out (one army automatically retreated, and half of us couldn't get in).

I think I just might try for another strat battle anyways.

« on: July 06, 2020, 04:27:42 am »
Ok.  And now what?

Strategus General Discussion / Resurrect Strategus?
« on: November 02, 2019, 01:47:55 am »
Ok, so if I have support, I would be happy to open a Strategus server.  Changes that I talked to Dave about would be getting rid of the troop/pack animal limit.  If you want 100 men defending a 10,000 mule caravan, good luck to you.

Also villages, castles and towns will only have peasant gear.  You could cap them quickly, but could you defend them?  No more taking a city unopposed then using it's gear to crush everything else.

And I think just a strat server.  Everyone hates to grind.  You get gold and silver for strat battles.  And if you need troops, buy them off a city or castle or village.  This would make fief ownership worth a little more.  Lords should not have to demean themselves by engaging in commerce.

General / Re: Let's talk fondly about OKAM.
« on: August 08, 2019, 03:15:03 am »
Remember when you had to run ten minutes to the flags in a panic and you died to a thousand enemy swords once you got there?  Or when it had low pop, and everytime you tried to do that stupid dance at the flags a bloody archer would hit you and you had to try to start over?

If only chadz and co. had played some cRpg, they might have realized what works and what doesn't.

General Discussion / Re: What retard is still bidding on Titles???
« on: July 17, 2019, 01:30:19 am »
Yeah, but banners are selling for 1 gold.

General Discussion / Re: Hello People how are you
« on: June 30, 2019, 12:31:01 am »
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

 Looks dead to me... guess we can ignore it and go on with our lives.

General Discussion / Re: hi
« on: June 16, 2019, 02:03:18 am »
I'm waiting for the cRPG mod for Bannerlord.

Throw me in there and I'll say 'yeah'.

You need to play to get ranked. DTV doesn't count.

I am very happy with my C- rating. I guess because I have no consistency. One round I'll get valour, the next I'll get killed by Arys.  Oh, and in any important strat battle I'll just die to everyone, including lvl 6 Chinese ping noobs. Unimportant battles I'm usually in the lower middle.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Strat is ded
« on: June 01, 2019, 08:37:01 pm »
We know people will come crawling back to strat- they always do.  Strat isn't too hard; you can jump in mid-season and make a difference.  There were just a few more difficulties that did not come up in the test round.  With this many changes, that is not surprising.  But it sounds like Dave is looking at solutions.

Sorry if my constructive criticism sounded like bitchy, whiny, crying, RQing piss talk.

Strategus General Discussion / Strat is ded
« on: May 31, 2019, 05:07:53 am »
I have never given up on strat.  In fact, I take credit for helping revive it a few times.

But, despite Dave's best efforts, he fucked up.

The initial grind for silver turned pretty much every North American off.  Grinding is for cell phone games that at least give the option of Micro-transactions.  We have a lot of good gents who are willing to move armies and trade and attack, and even show up to NA1 to get some ticks.  And odds are fans of cRpg might take a break from Mordhau to play important strat battles.  But they can't raise armies without grinding, so they just said 'fuck it'.

The shared map.  Well, ok, it could work.  If factions were open minded and had a mixture of NA, EU and CN players, yeah, it could be fun.  But while I noticed NA and CN players tend to stick together, most of EU players seem to want to fuck the CN players up.  I myself, noting the shortage of NA players, but even if we had a lot, realize inter-continental alliances are important.  But a lot of EUers just want to bully them off.  But, if we had an even strat, we could learn to play together.

Strong AI.  WTF is with 500 man lightly armed villages?  Fiefs should just be a formality.  200 farmers with peasant gear, thank you.  Let the active players grab shit quick.  Let's let people build their kingdoms so we can go fight each other.  Right now you either waste 400K of gear if there is a defense, or you gain 400K of gear if there isn't.

The Vicinities.  Too big for cities.  You cannot blockade an area that huge.  We need a little more no-man's-land to keep travellers scared.  Relying on Ping and battle times and Eu Bro-coding makes for unfair strategy.

We had a bunch of new players all excited about strat, and I chatted with them and offered advice.  But now that they've seen what the game is like, they are all quitting.  I tried telling them about the exciting times we had on the NA map, with manoeuvres and counter manoeuvres and sacrificing armies to buy time; and blockades and reinforcements and chasing caravans... and quite frankly, they were excited.  Well, they were.  They realize now it all depends on people working together to not be dicks... assholes, yes, but that is part of the game... but dicks ruin the game... much like they have always ruined half the map before.

Announcements / Re:
« on: May 15, 2019, 01:58:13 pm »
Can I get compensation on all the gear I loomed two days before the free reforge?  That was kinda painful, like buying at a store right before they have a 50% off everything sale.

And has goods stacking changed in the new strat?  I wrote some trade advice on Vaegir Discord during the test round:

"So I've been circling the map with 350 mules and buying 249 goods at every stop. I could carry 12-1400 goods and it would count around 300 crates. Then I got greedy at a buy fief and bought 650.... my crates went straight up to over 600 and I slowed right down."

This round I have 500 horses and seem to have to keep my number at 174 and the most goods I can carry is around 8-900.

Announcements / Re: you to decide
« on: May 02, 2019, 01:05:24 am »
Strat has always driven cRpg.  The mod has died a few times, and it was always when people started playing strat again that the mod fired up.  And a lot of people who would play strat made the choice not to grind, and now they won't play because so many others will have a huge head start on them.

Announcements / Re: you to decide
« on: April 27, 2019, 10:29:32 pm »
since supply and demand will be easier to accumulate (although still people will buy it all the way down to 0 and wonder why the fuck the village sucks like idiots) making silver should be easier. shit, i played for a hour and a half or so and i only got 3k silver. that ain't shit, i'll get 10x at least or more than that off one trade run

Yeah, but you need silver to do a decent trade run- horses, gear and goods.  I have 15k that I earned in about 10 hours today and yesterday.  Next week I won't have near as much time... I probably won't even get 5 hours in, so I'll be lucky to have over 20k.  That's just enough for 100 mules.  Meanwhile there will be guys starting with around 200k, who could easily buy 500 mules and arm their men and a crap load of goods and start doubling and tripling their money in days.

I don't want to be a peasant just because I can't get on my PC for 4 or 5 hours a day.

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