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Messages - InqWiper

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Spirited Courser 690 000 or better offer.
Balanced Danish Greatsword 700 000 or better offer.
Open for trade suggestions.

Auctions end sunday.

Sell/Trade / Re: [SOLD] Heirloom point
« on: June 05, 2011, 09:01:27 pm »

Buy / Re: WTB Heirloom point
« on: June 05, 2011, 09:19:39 am »
pm sent

Sell/Trade / Re: [SELL] Heirloom point
« on: June 05, 2011, 09:17:51 am »
You dont know what extortion means, get out of my thread, this is an auction.

Sell/Trade / Re: [SELL] Heirloom point
« on: June 05, 2011, 12:04:22 am »
Just want to say that auctions dont really work the way that you can withdraw an offer. If you make a bid stick by it.
Highest bid is 370k, auction ends sunday.

Sell/Trade / Re: [SELL] Heirloom point
« on: June 04, 2011, 10:21:50 pm »
Its not too much, I see people wanting to buy looms for 350k, where are the ones selling them?

Sell/Trade / Re: [SELL] Heirloom point
« on: June 04, 2011, 09:49:32 pm »
500k is highest bid. Maybe we should keep bidding in here now instead of pm, its easier.

Sell/Trade / Re: [SELL] Heirloom point
« on: June 04, 2011, 08:47:51 pm »
Bidding has started and ends sunday.

Announcements / Re: Official Item Survey Result Data & More (OISRDM)
« on: June 03, 2011, 03:26:03 pm »
InqWiper you're very naive you want to better the world by making c-rpg more fair? people don't want fair they want to win in games, games are for entertainment people are generally not entertained being pwned.
Lol  :lol:
I dont want to better the world by making c-rpg more fair. Im claiming the attitude is a problem both when it comes to c-rpg and also the world as a whole. I dont give a shit about c-rpg on a larger scale if you pardon my french  :wink:

If you want a game where you win all the time go play against bots. A PvP game needs to be balanced.
OK we could get into the whole intrinsic nature of humanity. But that would be pointless in this context. Attributing my selfishness in my post to the ills of the world is frankly crazy. For all you know I am a philanthropist who gives money to charity. But when I saw an opportunity to boost my class I took it. Albeit I felt a bit guilty. Those of who think I said all people would vote this way are wrong, good for you who tried to be objective. All was needed was a quarter of selfish ass-holes like me to skew the results. Maybe someone like me needed to point this obvious fact out. You can not get any accurate data this way. I appreciate the developers trying their best to balance the game, but there would need to be a different method.
I dont think Im crazy but thats what all crazies say right? The sane realise they are absolutely mad.

I think the data can still be useful if its interpreted in a  non naive way. There ware still things that can be extracted from it even with some deliberately casting shit votes to gain advantage and those casting shit votes due to poor grasp of the bigger picture. For example I think that the data shows that throwing needs to be buffed as I think it stands out a bit. This is even though we all hated throwers when they were OP and very few are throwers now.

Sell/Trade / [SOLD] Heirloom point
« on: June 03, 2011, 02:56:42 pm »
16 strenght
6 shield
6 riding

400k or better offer

Announcements / Re: Official Item Survey Result Data & More (OISRDM)
« on: June 03, 2011, 02:45:05 pm »
My main is 1h/shield/xbow/cav, oh yes a retard indeed but thats besides the point :lol:

I think the only thing I voted for was buff throwing. I think throwing was OP the way it was before and I made a thrower alt but after the triple nerf (price, ammo amount, damage) they totally killed the class. I dont think I voted for anything else because most things seem not so bad and can be argued both ways IMO but throwing is  just silly. My main is gen 4 but I also have level 30 in archer, thrower and 2h. My main was pure pole/cav first gen.

I think selfishness is weak and immature and your defense is crap. It sounds like people claiming its not theire fault they are fat, its in theire genetics. Or men cheating on theire wives claiming its theire genetics telling them to fuck everything they can. You are responsible for your own actions and you can not blame it on some bullshit. I am only human too but obviously I am not that selfish and there are many way better people than me out there. Do you want to look at the shit thats fucked up in he world and think that you live in this because of people like yourself or do you want to think that you may be contributing a very small piece but yet a piece to improve it? You have some balls admitting how selfish you are. Now use those balls to admit it is your own fault and you have the ability to change yourself. When you admit to yourself that you can change, why would you want to stay the same? Lets all try to pull in the same direction ?  :wink:

Sell/Trade / Re: [SELL] Heirloom Point
« on: June 02, 2011, 04:57:37 pm »
Yeah you can only heriloom thing syou can use.

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